So for college I’ll be traveling from WA to GA and unfortunately that means travel costs are pretty high. Are there specific scholarships out there to cover traveling costs for students that are applicable to those who are already going to college? Not just for those still in high school.
Thanks in advance
It’s called flying Southwest Airlines.
Usually scholarships can cover any unmet need, you can apply any scholarship to your costs, you don’t need to get one just for travel and I personally have not heard of one.
need = COA - EFC - grants and scholarships
If you actual costs of travel exceed the amount in the COA, you may be able to get your school to increase the COA for you. This means that any college or outside scholarship can be used for any of your unmet expenses. Of course picking a school farther away means you have usually planed for that additional cost. If you can’t find scholarships you will have to put in extra work summers or during the semester.
Oh yeah, just to add, some scholarships are for tuition only, so only apply for ones that are for COA. And I don’t think you will find ones that are meant for travelling because most just want to make sure you can attend a college, not necessarily one that costs you more to go to. But be aware also that you have to report any scholarship to you college, so it may reduce your need based aid, unless you have unmet need in the COA
How much aid did Emory give you?
How much is your flight as compared to your last summer paycheck?
What did your aid pkg at Emory look like? I think you’re low income and you qualified for nearly all costs covered.
In many aid pkgs, there is a “student expectation” of:
summer work
student loans
work study
and maybe you also had a small parent contribution.
Your summer job is supposed to pay for:
and maybe some misc things.
Your work study is supposed to pay for:
day to day personal expenses.
@mom2collegekids aid from Emory was about $54,000 or so. Also I wasn’t able to work this summer because of my ankle, so thats why I was looking for something to cover travel costs in the future. I likely won’t be able to work in future summers either because my sister just had her baby and needs me to babysit while her and her husband are at work. Although I’ll still try to find something.
Well if you can afford to work for free that’s your prerogative, but if I was your parent I would tell the sister to just keep doing what she does during the school year for childcare and to have you work, unless she is going to pay you at least $600 a month.
Keep in mind, that if you don’t meet your student contribution, Emory will not increase your aid and you are going to have a problem getting to school going forward.
you will have to pay taxes over any amount over $400.
I understand that your sister is going to work, but how is she and her husband going to manage child care when she goes back to work and you are at school? If you are providing free labor, perhaps you should get your sister and brother-in-law to make a good faith effort to pay for your tickets, especially since you have committed to not working in order to be their nanny.
@sybbie719 So how exactly do I know how much my student contribution is? My EFC is 0, and I was offered $2,500 in work study which I accepted.
What is the total break down of your financial aid package?
Emory has their cost of attendance at $63,058 with their direct billing cost being $59,444.
You state that you have a financial aid package of $54,000
Emory meets 100% demonstrated need.
How did Emory propose that you were suppose to fulfill the $5, 444 shortfall on direct billed cost and $9,058 short fall on the cost of attendance?
The other 5K is from my pell grant
The Pell grant would be part of your need based package (you may be counting the same money twice) Does your financial aid package cover $59,444?
How does your financial aid package break out:
Pell grant
other grants
Emory grant/scholarship
Work study
You are asking about outside scholarships. If you get one, you must report it to Emery and they may reduce your $54000 award. Maybe not, but just be prepared that if you do find an outside award you may not come out ahead.
You’ve received the entire billed amount $59k+ through the school and your Pell grant. Now you have to pay the remaining cost, including transportation. The answer to your original question of is money available for transportation is yes, just like other outside scholarships from the local civic organizations, your high school, your activities, etc. You can also ask Emery for emergency travel funds and they might advance them to you.
Work Study: 2,500
Pell Grant: 5,775
Emory Grant: 48,357
Loan Replacement: 3,500
Outside Scholarship: 722.50
Total: 60,854.50
I likely won’t be able to work in future summers either because my sister just had her baby and needs me to babysit while her and her husband are at work.
Well if you can afford to work for free that’s your prerogative, but if I was your parent I would tell the sister to just keep doing what she does during the school year for childcare and to have you work, unless she is going to pay you at least $600 a month.
Yes! @brownparent is right!
You can tell your sister that you have to earn money during the summers to pay for college-related costs like airfare, books, etc.
If she wants to PAY you to babysit, then fine. If she can’t afford to pay you a REASONABLE rate, then she’ll need to find someone who doesn’t need the money to watch her child.
Her child is HER responsibility. Paying for your school costs is YOUR responsibility. Your sister’s needs do NOT trump YOURs. Does that make sense?
Your sister can’t use the excuse that she can’t afford to pay you when YOU can’t afford to pay for your travel or other costs that YOU need to pay for.
Who will babysit her child during your school year? That should be the person/place that will care for the baby next summer and future summers.
BTW…you need to tell your sister ASAP that you won’t be able to work for free next summer so that she’ll have time to save/budget for that expense next summer. If you wait until next summer to tell her then she’ll be angry because they won’t have prepared for that.
If she agrees to pay you, then the rate needs to be a FAIR rate, not some amount that is so low that you still will be short for your college costs.
You have a responsibility to yourself first.
How will you pay for your airfare for your upcoming trip to Emory??
@twoinanddone Thanks for the advice. Do you know how available scholarships are for those who are already in college?
You seem to have a litany of reasons for not getting a real job.
@mom2collegekids I understand everything and I do want it to work out like that, however for personal reasons it just kinda won’t. It would be a very long story to explain the situation (and a bit personal) but trust me I will most likely have to babysit during the summer (she has someone else during the year, plus her and her husband’s schedules stable out). Thank you for the advice though. Oh and I paid for the airfare for this trip to Emory with money I saved up from previous summer’s work.
@TomSrOfBoston I had two reasons… Plus I’ve had a “real job” in the past, every summer since like 7th grade. I just couldn’t get one this summer because of my ankle and likely won’t be able to in the next couple of summers to help my sister.