Scholarships ; Trustees and Pres.

<p>Has anyone received them yet? If so, how much and of course ... stats? :D</p>

<p>Anyone know whether all the trustees scholarship letters have been sent out or are some still arriving in people’s mailbox?</p>

<p>^ Also what I wanted to know</p>

<p>I received trustees notification on Christmas Eve. I think that more competitive majors like Engineering may not be chosen yet, so don’t despair! They are all announced by mid Jan. or mid Feb. (I don’t remember now).</p>

<p>Stats (some of them):
4.0 GPA u/w
weighted: I have no idea, my school doesn’t weight.
SAT Math: 710
SAT CR: 710
SAT Writing: 720
ACT: 29…ugh…I hated that test!
AP’s: US History, English Lang. and Comp., AB Calc, Biology
Extracurriculars: extensive 4-H involvement (pres. of club, etc.), Spanish Quiz Bowl, choir, show choir, high school theatrical productions, Solo and Ensemble, piano, church youth group, National Honor Society, etc.</p>

<p>I think my essay must have played into the scholarship.</p>

<p>I received trustees as an applicant to the engineering school a few days ago as well.
4.0 GPA uw (11 APs + 1 self studied, so far 4 5 5 5 4), 36 ACT, 2360 SAT (760 math), good ECs. I don’t think my essays were anything special, but they may have been good.</p>

<p>I also applied to the college of engineering and received the trustees scholarship. The letter came in sometime between the 22nd and the 26th.
3.96 UW GPA
4.41 W GPA
ACT: 34
SAT: None
AP’s: Stat, US History, World History, Government, Calculus BC, Physics C, Chem
Extracurriculars: Varsity tennis Captain, Model UN, several other clubs, work
Essay: Nothing special
Letter of Recommendation: Strong</p>

<p>Found out via Purdue financial aid officer yesterday that all Trustees scholarship letters were sent by the end of the year (in December). So if you haven’t gotten it, you won’t :frowning:
I was hoping to get it (4.0 GPA, 2190 SAT, college credits already, good letters of recommendation, pretty good essay, pretty good ECs)
Congrats to all those who did!</p>

<p>Now waiting for Presidential scholarship notification. Those letters will be sent until mid-February.</p>

<p>My D also did not receive it. I am a bit disappointed although it is not her top choice among admitted schools. Congrats to those who got it.</p>

<p>Who knows what the real answer is, but Financial Aid told me yesterday that Trustee scholarship letters for engineering, just started going out last week and would continue for several weeks. But she may have told me that just to make me feel better or get me off the phone.</p>

<p>Our son is 35 ACT, 4.0, #1 rank at competitive HS, varried EC’s and employment and OOS. We also are hoping for something but its obviously very competitive at this level.</p>

<p>Good luck to all in the wait and congrats to those who got it.</p>

<p>^ My D has exactly the same stat. I hope your information is correct that there is still hope.</p>

<p>collegedadx4, I definitely hope the guy I talked to was wrong! :slight_smile: I’m in the same boat as your son (Engineering) and I suppose it could make sense that those were later than others because there are so many applicants to Engineering. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. Best wishes to all.</p>

<p>Just did a chat with Purdue. The FA office keep saying the high merit scholarships will go out in mid-Feb.</p>

<p>Thanks billcsho for sharing the news.</p>

<p>I’m a freshman at Purdue and I have the presidential scholarship. I graduated with a 3.75 GPA (while taking a crap ton of AP courses) and a 31 ACT. But some of my friends from high school who also go here didn’t get jack, despite having higher numbers than me. I’m willing to bet that they place a bigger emphasis than you think on character and leadership/service. Like my friends weren’t big on service other than NHS but I volunteered regularly and I started my high school’s Gay Straight Alliance, so that probably gave me bonus points.</p>

<p>They’ll give scholarships if they think that you’ll actively contribute to the Purdue community. So great scores sometimes aren’t enough. I hope I was able to provide a little more insight. Merry Christmas, by the way! :)</p>

<p>And to add to above, I’m in state.</p>
