
I looked at the website and there seems to be a lot of merit aid to give away. Is anyone here receiving scholarships ?

My daughter is a freshman at Kent State, an out of state student, and we are pleased with the merit scholarships she receives. It was a big factor in choosing Kent State.

@2kidsinky That’s great! How does she like Kent State?

She likes it a lot! She has made some friends, she likes her dorm pretty well, and the food is not bad. It’s going well for her there. Are you out of state? Have you visited? She and I liked the school after just one visit.

@2kidsinky We visited in October. My DD wants to study fashion merchandising and its number 3 in the nation. She was asked to apply to the honors program and was given full tuition and most of room and board. We live in Florida. I’m concerned about the national ranking and it not being very high if my DD changes her mind about her major.

I guess that is true, though the rankings have improved over time at Kent State, and without knowing what other major she might possibly switch to, it is pretty difficult to know if ranking would matter. Would she get to keep all of the scholarships if she changes her major? I guess if she did change her mind, you could consider a transfer to a different school as a sophomore or something, but of course not sure of financial aid in that case.

…I guess if she attends one of the fashion schools, and changes her mind about that career, then she would have to find another school since they are only for fashion, if I understand correctly.

So it is difficult when they are still in high school and trying to make these big decisions.

My daughter got her notice of acceptance today and was offered $13,500 worth of scholarships. It was 10,500 towards tuition and $3000.00 towards room and board. We are very happy, although we were hoping for more but who isn’t. 33 ACT and 4.5/4.0 GPA btw. She applied for College of Art for Fine Arts. Good luck everyone.

@DBY2017 Is she going? where else is she applying?

Congratulations to your daughter @DBY2017!

Thanks everyone. She wants to major in Fine Arts in Painting/Drawing. She applied to Kent State, University of Cincinnati DAAP, University of Michigan Stamps Art, Carnegie Mellon and Virginia Commonwealth University school of Arts. So far she got accepted into Kent and VCU Arts. VCU Arts is pretty prestigious and she had to submit an art portfolio as part of her application. Kent doesn’t require a portfolio for admission. We don’t know anything about financial aid from VCU yet. We were quite surprised at Kent’s offer. Kent is actually at the bottom of her list, but may be the top one now.