
<p>Just wanted to get some feedback on Purdue's scholarships. Daughter received acceptance letter, with University scholarship of $14,100 (total for 4 years). I was a little confused from their website as to whether or not she needs to apply separately for any of the engineering department scholarships. She has received a postcard that she'll be invited to the Scholars Day in December, but want to make sure we don't miss any deadlines before that.
This is my first post, so thanks for any information!</p>

<p>She will probably need to apply for each individual scholarship separately. In my case, I was chosen for a particular scholarship this semester due to the fact that I am a junior maintaining at least a 3.0 GPA in my department; most scholarships are NOT given this way. The majority of grants and scholarships I applied for required me to write a 500 word essay detailing why I deserve their money. I would google for scholarships offered in her chosen field and make sure she meets the criteria for each award.</p>

<p>She has applied for some outside scholarships, but I was wondering specifically about Purdue scholarships, i.e. Engineering Dean's Scholarship, etc. I called the Engineering Dept, and they said the initial selection is just based on admissions applications through Dec. 1, so I guess we'll just wait until December to see if she hears from them.
Anyone else have experience with this from last year? Thanks!</p>

<p>My D applied to Purdue two years ago and was offered Engineering Dept. scholarship. I believe there was NO separate application, student is considered based on SAT and GPA (if they put engineering on applications). I think we stopped by First Year Eng. office on a visit and talked to a staff member to verify D was on the list to be considered. I think we received updated scholarship letter later in year with updated scholarship info and one in March or April with loan info (after FAFSA). Since there is not a separate application and Purdue is a BIG university, I would contact them to make sure your child are being considered. This webpage has coordinators email address <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Thanks for the info! That was one of my concerns, with Purdue being so large, to make sure she was on the list to be considered. I think I'll take your advice, and give them call. By the way, where did your D end up going?</p>

<p>My son received a separate letter from his department, telling him their scholarship application would be available online on Dec. 1 and suggesting he apply at that time, so there are at least some with separate applications.</p>

D went to Univ. Alabama in Hunstville. She is Aerospace major wanting to work for NASA. Although Purdue is one of the best AE schools in country, UAH is located in same city as large NASA site and many aerospace contractor offices. She liked the location and the smaller size, 5K vs. 30K undergrads. Purde was a very close second. Both are great schools and either would have been a good choice.</p>

<p>I was a little surprised when I just looked at their scholarships. They require a 3.5 GPA to keep them? Wow. I think that is really high - especially for the tough majors (engineering for instance).</p>

<p>two words, weenie--grading curves</p>

<p>Son applied and was accepted to freshmen engineering. There was not extra paperwork for the scholarships he recieved. Also the second year? no extra paperwork for the new ones received. BTW, it's not impossible to get a 3.5! Not like people lead you to believe :)</p>

<p>you just have to wait. unfortunately the 14k is probably all she'll get in most majors unless she can recieve the beering scholarship with about a 1560/1600 cutoff for SAT</p>