School and Life and ABsolutely killing me.

<p>Let me put things this way. My grades suck, and because I have so much to do, i cant hang out with my friends who constantly bother me on the weekends. During first quarter I got a B in AP chem, AP bio, Honors math, and history. I got an A in honors english, and a C in standard spanish. THat was a little below what I wanted. Now it is the second quarter and after studying 6 hours for a bio test, and 3-4 hours for a chem test, both tests were in the D range. That completely ****ed me off. I also took a bio quiz fortunetly which was an A, so I am not completely ruined. So now it is the weekend. My friend is bothering me to do the "same old" with him. When I dont, he just annoys me, and I cant because I have so much to do. SO now I am sitting here on saturday, depressed, unable to hang with friends, and unable to study, why? Because I am depressed. What can I do? I could really use any encouragement, tips on life, or tips on studying. This weekend I have to study for a history test which will decide most of my 2nd quarter history grade, and chem test which has the potential to make my grade a B after a high D first test. Need help!!!</p>

<p>You should try to get more answers correct on your tests.</p>

<p>study during the day, go out at night?</p>

<p>This always come up with people, and you need to consider: is what you’re taking on too much?</p>

<p>Study smart, not hard. I had a friend get through AP Chem and AP Bio with much more on her plate than you do (as a sophomore). You’ll be okay. Put more time in.</p>

<p>Pay attention in class? Most people fail to utilize this time wisely (myself included, though I can afford it), and if you only dedicate your school hours to learning the materials then you’ll be fine.</p>

<p>Try and make associations and “see the big picture,” so to speak. Also, if you ever have to memorize a bunch of unfamiliar words, make memorable mnemonics for them!</p>


Lol sounds like he wants sex or something.</p>


Yeah, like words in another language! Lol those are usually unfamiliar.</p>

Look, you’ve got it good compared to me. I have three AP classes, an internship researching at the NIH (which also includes writing a lot of papers, giving talks, etc), college applications, … and, oh yeah… there’s now a protective order against my father and I’m expected to be the man of the house on top of everything… not to mention the fact that we have to move everything out of our 7 bedroom mansion-like house into a three-bedroom house in twenty days and we don’t have enough money to hire movers (not to mention pay for my college applications… or tuition…)</p>

<p>And I’m not crying about that, am I?</p>

<p>Oh, and if you haven’t noticed, I’m depressed too. Deal with it. And don’t cry about it. If you’re studying for hours and still not doing well on the test, maybe you’re studying wrong. Talk with your guidance counselor about forming study habits that will help you more… I can almost guarantee he or she will be happy to help you.</p>

<li>You’re studying wrong. I never, ever study more than ~2 hrs for tests. Are you trying to learn the stuff the night before? That usually doesn’t work.</li>
<li>You’re taking a more difficult course load than you can handle. Maybe drop down to regular Bio/Chem?</li>

<p>Coolman7992, let me first formally apologize for the disheartening behavior of my peers. Many of the posts within this thread (Poseur’s, INVENIAMVIAM’s, and ironmetal250’s) have exposed just how cruel and inconsiderate some teens can be. It saddens me that even on CC - a place inundated with many a perspicacious student - bullying and bigotry continue. I think we all need to reflect upon that sad day of April 16th, 2007 - when Seung-Hui Cho set the high score. A high test score, you might ask? No. Not a high test score. This score was not measured in points. This score was measured in lives - HUMAN LIVES. So please. PLEASE. To all those reading this post, have a heart. It’s for the best. Thank you.
Now, on to Coolman7992 and his most unfortunate situation. Listen to me. You can trust me. I have felt just what you are feeling right now. I’ve bemoaned my classes, my family, my friends - this whole imbroglio we know as High School Life. Hell, I’ll admit it… I’ve cried myself to sleep on more than one occasion. Giving up was seriously considered. But did I? No. I struggled, but I strove onward. I pulled myself up.
So, that’s not very useful, is it? I told you that I overcame a depression analogous to yours, but I didn’t tell you how. At least you know overcoming is possible, and that should give you some hope. But the how… well… the how is going to take a bit of time. Buckle up.
A cold December evening. I am in my bed, surrounded by a darkness that encompasses both my body… and my mind. Tears pour from my eyes. I listen closely to the fighting. My parents are at it again. Their nightly ritual - not what it used to be, sadly. I decide I can’t take it, as I decide every night. This is my ritual. I lift up my torpid body, walk downstairs, and head out of the building. My parents don’t notice. Good. The city streets bustle as usual. I like this noise. I stand a while to listen. Almost comfortable… but, blighted by my depression, the apartment complex stands as well. Looming behind me. I can feel its presence. I know it’s watching, waiting for me to cave, needing for me to return so the blight can continue propagating. Expecting me to turn around and accept my master, as I have been doing for months. And I almost do, but then… then something clicks. I whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said fresh and it had a dice in the mirror. If anything I could tell that this cab was rare, but I thought nah, forget it, yo home to bel-air. I pulled up to a house about seven or eight and I yelled to the cabby yo, home smell ya later. Looked at my kingdom I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the prince of bel-air. I’m glad we had this talk. If you need more advice, feel free to PM me.</p>

<p>Hey, *******, at least I gave him some useful, real advice.</p>

<p>Biggest tool to ever come on this site. You are complaining that you don’t have a social life yet you say you don’t like hanging out with your friends since they are boring.</p>

<p>ironmetal250, it is clear you are both the man of the house, and the man of this thread. I prostrate myself in earnest apology.</p>

<p>ironmaiden do you REALLY believe thats the first thing someone wants to hear?
your argument makes no sense. </p>

<p>There’s a protective order against your dad? Big whoop. Tupac, Tom Cruise, Bill Clinton didn’t have a dad and they turned out successful, so you OBVIOUSLY don’t need yours. </p>

<p>You have to move into a 3 bedroom house in 20 days? Stop whining. There are plenty of people that don’t even have houses and they don’t even think about garnering sympathy.</p>

<p>Show some compassion man. If everybody just told each other to go grow some balls, then we’d be going nowhere in this world.</p>

<p>iwaswalking, I first want to tell you that your vocabulary is very capacious and prodigious. And while I’m sorry about your depression and I’m glad you were able to pull yourself out of it, I’m not sure about some of the “bullying and bigotry” you mentioned, and I disagree with your accusations of cruelty and inconsideration from CC users. Somehow I doubt that these people are really as cruel and inconsiderate as you say they are. </p>

<p>Coolman, I know exactly how you feel and I’m sure a lot of other teens out there do too. Last year I had friends who did the same thing yours do now–constantly pressuring and pestering me to go out and do this or that and then eventually getting mad at me because I never really did. Knowing that they thought that I didn’t really care about them enough to hang out with them was really hard for me, but I wish they could have understood that I had a lot of work to do, and a lot of other stuff on my plate that they didn’t know about.</p>

<p>While my grades don’t exactly suck like yours do (at least, not yet), I get the frustration you’re feeling. I got a D+ on a math test that I got back yesterday, which I’d actually studied pretty extensively for. The class average was about a 76, I think, but the thing to realize when you don’t do as well as you expect is that something’s wrong, and you have to change it. I’m not really sure if it’s your study habits, but my advice is to step back and take a deep breath. Examine what you’re doing and see if there’s anything you can change to make better. Go for help after school if you need it (and be honest with yourself here). Remember that work comes before play. Trust me when I say that grades are more important than a night spent with your friend playing video games or something. Try telling yourself that once you get that A on a test, you can reward yourself by having some fun. Just stick with it and don’t give up.</p>

<p>And ironmetal250, I just had to say this: maybe you do have it bad-- I’m not saying you don’t-- because you’re worse off than coolman, but the fact that you even had a “7 bedroom mansion-like house” to start out with tells me that there are a lot of people who have it a lot worse than you.</p>

<p>Yes, I know, I’m just very upset right now and I’m sorry for being an *******, especially to OP.</p>

<p>Umm, is there any way to delete your posts besides reporting them?</p>

<p>More like you’re embarrassed about whining on the internet.</p>

<p>Anyways, I agree with post #10.</p>


LOL first of all, my “cruel and inconsiderate” post was only directed toward doomster… and he knows I’m kidding. And it did sound like his friend wanted sex.</p>

<p>lol, i love how post #10 degenerates into a bel air post</p>

<p>Let’s read these posts holistically people. Kthxbai.</p>