School Favorites Showdown R1: Indiana Bloomington vs. Cornell

Welcome to CC’s School Favorites Showcase featuring the 32 most active schools in the forums. Today’s showcased R1 match-up features:

indiana copy vs. Cornell

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I don’t know much about these schools, so I put “Indiana University vs. Cornell” into ChatGTP. Here’s what it told me:

Indiana University and Cornell University are both well-respected institutions with distinct academic and cultural identities. Ultimately, the choice between these two schools will depend on your personal preferences and goals.

Indiana University is a large public university located in Bloomington, Indiana. It is known for its strong programs in business, journalism, music, and education, as well as its vibrant student life and school spirit. IU also has a renowned school of public and environmental affairs, as well as a strong research program.

Cornell University, on the other hand, is a private Ivy League university located in Ithaca, New York. It is known for its strong programs in engineering, computer science, agriculture, and hotel administration, as well as its prestigious law and business schools. Cornell is also known for its beautiful campus, rigorous academics, and collaborative research opportunities.

In terms of selectivity, Cornell is generally more competitive than Indiana University. However, both schools have high academic standards and offer a range of opportunities for academic and personal growth.

Ultimately, the choice between Indiana University and Cornell will depend on your personal preferences and goals. Consider factors such as location, academic interests, campus culture, and financial aid when making your decision.

That’s a lot of hemming and hawing. Not so helpful, to be honest. What’s the AI missing that might help someone decide one way or the other?

The AI is saying- it’s a personal choice. Also saying both are quality schools.
Do you like the basic geography of either location?
Does cost matter (if they are different?)
Ultimately- the success of the student lies within the student. Two strong schools with resources. Where does your student want to go?
Coke or Pepsi?
Ivy vs Big10?
Red vs Blue?
Choose and proceed-no wrong choice.

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This is a big one. I also think whether or not you live in-state matters quite a bit:

School In State Out-of-State
Indiana State $11,447 $39,120
Cornell $63,200 $63,200

Obviously this doesn’t account for any aid you might get, but you gotta consider your state’s schools if cost is a concern at all.

True, but considering Financial Aid does change the picture…Cornell will cost less, on average, for families making less than $75K than Indiana State (and roughly the same for families making $75K-$110k).

Cornell (from college navigator, so only have data thru 2020-21)

And Indiana State:

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Fair enough! It’s good to be reminded that family income has a big impact on the price tag.

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It also depends on the major! The Kelley business school at Indiana University is ranked 8th in the nation so many high stat students wanting to study business are choosing Indiana over other “big name colleges.” Kelley received over 5K appeals this year alone for direct admittance into the business program

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Four of the eight undergraduate colleges at Cornell charge NY state residents $21,300 less than non-NY state residents pay to attend the same program or than residents of any state pay to attend the other four Endowed Colleges.

$43,888 for NYS residents at the Contract Colleges and $65,204 for non-NY residents to attend Contract Colleges or any student to attend the Endowed Colleges. Figures are for next school year.

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