School Fit [3.92, high level / recruitable baseball player, math / data science major]

Great info. Thanks. position player or pitcher?

We just toured colleges in Boston. BU might be worth a look - they seem to be investing heavily in Data Science, including a brand new, absolutely stunning building. The athletic facilities (we are in a different sport) were also great.


Any update on your son? Recruiting has started for the D1 25’s. I think lower D1 higher academic colleges might show interest because he is a lefty pitcher. If not, and the recruiting process is prioritized, I believe he will receive significant interest at the D3 level. Often, that can take another year… the 24’s are committing D3 right now.


Hi. He’s gotten several emails from D3 coaches. Velo is starting to go up. sitting 84-85;87 max. Getting ready for the fall dog and pony circuit. We’ll see if he can get on some D1 radars. He’d like to go D1 but I’d be very happy with some of the D3 schools.


Sitting 84/85 is the sweetspot for D3. As a LHP if he can amp it up just a bit plus have a killer offfspeed he will get D1 attention.

Highly recommend AZ Fall Classic in Phoenix, both the regular component as well as the academic “All Stars”.

As an fyi, some of my daughter’s teammates at a D3 ended up getting better FA than they would have gotten from D1’s recruiting them in terms of athletic and financial aid. Not sure of your circumstances, but for most equivalency sports, sometimes it is much cheaper to go to a well funded school on FA than rely on a partial athletic scholarship.


My D21 was right about your son’s level but in a different sport plus our HS sends a lot of athletes to top schools. We’re 2 years into college and judging from my D and here peers experience the ones that went high academic D3 or Ivy are by far the happiest.

The transfer portal means you don’t know what playing time will look like. Especially if a new coach brings their best players. Also the time commitment at top programs is no joke.

Look at schools like U Chicago, Bowdoin, Pomona, etc. because he can get a great education, play baseball, and enjoy college. Good luck!

I would also note that you don’t risk losing an academic scholarship if you are injured and can’t play anymore.

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Something else to consider as the picture gets clearer, especially if he gets D1 interest. At these velocities as a LHP, as long as he has good command and a decent 2d/ 3d pitch, he would be an instant impact player at a D3. Less certain D1.

Couple of cautionary tales. S had a teammate who was a LHP sitting low 90’s. Went to a big time D1 program and struggled to get much PT. At the top D1 programs, unless you are throwing mid to high 90’s, you cannot overpower batters with just velocity. D had a teammate who threw mid 60’s as a RHP and was a great hitter. Smart and wanted to be premed. She also languished in her D1 career, also struggled with school. I had tried to get her parents to look at D3, specifically my D’s program. She would have dominated the NESCAC, and she would have gotten better academic support.

Data science is not an easy major. D1 baseball is an almost year round “job”. That has to come into play at some point.


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