school forms not received!!!

<p>hi.. i've finished applying to all the colleges... and my counselor has also finished submitting all the forms n everythin... however i noticed a yellow dot next to many colleges in "my colleges' list. it says not all forms submitted, only for certain colleges. and the colleges also say they haven't received them. my counselor has submitted them. this has happened only for certain colleges. can someone plss help me as to wat i can do??</p>

<p>Well, it’s possible that the forms have been sent, but since there are so many applications being sent, it will take a while to get to yours. I would wait one more week and then e-mail them. I’m sure everything’s OK, as long as you are sure you submitted everything.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t wait as long as a week, more like another day or two. Meanwhile, try to send that part again if possible, just in case.</p>

<p>I don’t know. I think a week is good. Well, it depends partly on the due date. I think about 3 weeks from when you submitted the application is good.</p>

<p>Well it’s gonna be almost 2 weeks since i submitted my applications… and the schools have still not received it. What is surprising is that the schools have gotten the mid year report, final year report, international supplement, and my transcript. Its only my school report and GC reco that haven’t been received yet.</p>

<p>2 weeks really isn’t that long. When I applied I had to wait for about 3 weeks for everything to be received. For me, it seemed about 2 weeks in that they might have missed something, but it turned out that all the colleges received everything. So I really think you should wait a week or two, and then contact them.</p>

<p>Yeah! Guess that is all I can do for now. Thank you</p>