School in the 2020-2021 Academic Year & Coronavirus (Part 1)

Those initial reports of patients being infected more than once are actually inaccurate. It turns out some of them were either released too early due to erroneous test results, or the viruses still present in those patients were not “alive” when they were later tested positive again.

There is no way we will have Football this Fall. Schools right now are more interested in getting as many kids to commit. IF anything they are over enrolling by going deep into their waitlists. They not going to “predict” what is going to happen come August. Do they have a plan? Absolutely. The plan is to go online which is the easiest one to administer. By Fall time, all the institutions have worked all the kinks from how the ended the Spring Semester as well as all the summer courses. It has to be Black or White. Schools do not want to risk it.

So when do you make your decision to get an apartment or the like? Everyone will be looking at the same time and only so many apartments available in many locales. Just hope rents don’t go up since supply /demand.

My son’s a senior and was looking into coop housing with all singles but they share cleaning /cooking and everyone eats dinner together. Just might be easier to pay more and get a 1 bedroom apartment and not worry about all of this so much. This way he can go back like he is now and not be at home so he can study and all ready on campus if things change.

OH, this is making me feel so depressed… I just can’t imagine this… OK back to reality… We will know very soon. Teams have to practice and be ready to go to learn plays etc. Wonder if they will push back the start of the season. I assume they can hold meetings, look at film etc remotely but at some point you gotta get out there and run drills. Hmmm

Wonder if they can segment parts of the teams and still keep distance. Hmmm… Quarterback throws to the wide receivers to get timing down type of thing. Kickers can be by themselves etc.

Lots and lots of false negatives is also a major problem. Get tested. Negative. 2 days later in the hospital. That is the frustrating part.

That’s my entire point. The antibody test as it is today will probably be useless to determine who can do what and who has to remain in lockdown. Lots more research to be done.

I think there will be college football this fall, although maybe will have to be played in empty stadiums. Too much money for schools to lose all of that revenue completely…mostly talking about the teams/conferences with lucrative TV contracts.

The antibody test as it is today will probably be useless to determine who can do what and who has to remain in lockdown. Lots more research to be done.

This was discussed yesterday and they are getting the private sector involved to perfect and scale the tests. (I believe it was during the NYS Governor press conference)

@Knowsstuff “OH, this is making me feel so depressed… I just can’t imagine this… OK back to reality… We will know very soon. Teams have to practice and be ready to go to learn plays etc. Wonder if they will push back the start of the season. I assume they can hold meetings, look at film etc remotely but at some point you gotta get out there and run drills. Hmmm”

Look at it this way, this could be the year OSU does not beat Michigan. The game will not be played and you will not get aggravated. All kidding aside, the idea of not having Football in the Fall would be a real killer. I would even take a Michigan win for the sake of having football.

OUCH!! ?? LOL.

Not having March Madness/basketball drove me to watching pro basketball players playing NBA 2K on ESPN 2 last week… Agh… I actually watched for 20 minutes till I realized what I was watching… ?.

A look at Big Ten football in 1918

Here’s a few options for college football…

You go, Mike Gundy!

Adding this article too…

You know it’s funny. We have Hulu live on all our Tvs. Cut cable a few years back. Did Hulu Live since it’s really great for sports. Not I am basically watching CNN… Ugh… Can’t wait for that Bulls/Jordan documentary to happen. Heard like in 2 weeks.

Schools can not go forward with a plan that would only allow for those with antibodies to participate. If they were not able to fully open in their traditional format they would realistically only have 2 options: 1) online for everyone or 2) no classes for anyone.

It is really depressing if the students won’t be able to go back to school in the fall. We just have to wait and see.

What does China do? Aren’t they supposed to be back to normal now? Are their universities open?

Maryland’s State Superintendent of Schools, Karen Salmon, said Wednesday that public schools (K-12) need to start preparing for the second wave of coronavirus infections that could close schools this coming fall, and even next winter. If something like this nightmare scenario were to happen on a nationwide level, the country would be in dire straits and its colleges and universities likely would be closed as well.

Completely surreal…sometimes I feel like we’re all living in a disaster movie whose ending has yet to be written.

@lloyddobler85 i think all school districts should make it a priority to figure out how to deliver education to their kids if they need to stay home if that’s not something they already do. Last year, our district developed a system for kids to be able to work remotely. It was intended for use for snow days so we didn’t have to take snow days off and could continue learning and count those days as official days of school. That planning has worked out well because, now, they’ve just turned that into a long term plan. Kids had a way to check into each class for attendance and find assignments on snow days. Now, of course, it’s way more than that but the actual protocol was in place last year. We also went to 1:1 chrome books.

I know not all school district can get to this kind of program but all districts need to be working on a plan now. I don’t know that it means we are more likely to have another spike in the fall.

If we have a vaccine and a treatment, while numbers decrease…then the world will go back to normal. It has to or we will become a bankrupt country.

A vaccine is nowhere in site, their develop is difficult. Minimum 12-18 months, maybe years, maybe never. We are still waiting for vaccines for many other viruses as well…e.g., HIV, Epstein Barr and more. Some vaccines took decades to develop…e.g., varicella, HPV and more. Of course, I hope it’s sooner rather than later…but hope is not a strategy.

I wonder what proportion of high schoolers are receiving remote learning right now? Does anyone know? Hopefully more schools can be ready by fall, but it’s complicated in some areas of the country for sure.

I think that in August / September, most schools open, as well as universities and dorms. Some social distancing measures apply in campus but impossible to do all. But they may require all students / people in public to wear face mask (like 1918 Spanish flu pandemic). Those schools must have some plan for the second wave and smoother transition to online classes / campus closure. We all should be prepared for that and we will since we learned from a messy crisis in March.

Most people can’t just stay at home financially until a vaccine comes up. Vaccine might not come out for 1-2 years from now or a decade. I hope it comes out sooner and will be widely available to all at no cost / little cost. At some point, we all need to get back to where we were before virus. Some people who lost jobs / business need to start from the beginning. Many families lost family members who brought pay check to home. Early summer (June?) seems doable to practice with understanding risks and having a plan (by work, by family, by individual) for second wave. It is like having a plan for a massive earthquake that has 75% chance to happen. We just don’t know when and where a massive earthquake happens. But we have better ideas about Coronavirus…It will be in fall semester, maybe in spring semester, too and in everywhere.

This is why I think that antibodies testing is effective. It isn’t accurate enough to have guarantees but at least it would give everyone an idea of their own risk. Then, people can decide to stay at home for more months, or to move on. I think that no universities would be able to have two groups of students, in-campus and online classes in the same major, in the same semester. I am sure they won’t be able to give a tuition discount. (But at least tuition freeze would be very nice.) They may not be able to approve too many deferrals for fall semester (both freshmen and returning students). Many students don’t have a choice to transfer or take a semester off, except to stick with the school’s decision / plan. Many students may need to take a semester or two off due to financial matters. But I think that most students are willing to go back to campus with understanding their risk and preparedness.