School in the 2020-2021 Academic Year & Coronavirus (Part 1)

@me29034. Good point about the masks. Wonder if my son’s org on campus will do facemasks instead of shirts this year… Have to ask him if they thought about it…

Funny about the school t-shirts. My son’s been home for 2 weeks and I think I am still seeing club, organization, football, club t-shirts, etc from his school. It’s like a surprise every day…lol.

You assumed that I wanted schools to open in person.

What do you say about the lawsuits happening right now due to schools shut down? Are you ok with that?

It boils down to I trust companies and schools to do the right thing more than I trust lawyers and bad people who like to take advantage of the bad situation So far even with little information they have tried to keep their people safe, I have no reason to believe they will go “open season” on their employees just because no fear law suits.

The University System of Georgia (UGA, GT, GSU, GCSU, Kennesaw, etc) posted some plans for fall return to campus:

Yes, I already ordered some Michigan State masks for my daughter.

Every doctor I know is sending his/her kid back to college on person. I think they must have decent medical judgment about it.

@katliamom would you share where you live? I’m wondering if your views have to do with how your neighborhood is doing with the virus. I know friends in NJ are way more worried than us here in the Chicago suburbs.

I don’t think there will be outside event organizers or recruiters on campus to distribute anything. If school reopens, I envision a locked-down environment. I suppose event organizers could mail masks to school clubs, but I wonder if the clubs will even meet.

I’m in Denver. Not a significant hotspot. Which doesn’t change the fact that I’m worried. Soon it’ll be 100,000 Americans dead. More will be dying in the weeks to come. The possibly lots more come next winter. Every one of us should be worried, whether in Denver, NJ or Chicago.

I wouldn’t wear masks that others had worn, even if washed in hot water (and I wouldn’t assume they were washed to my standard).

I have two kids who are the same age and roughly the same size. They each had their own swim suits, underwear, and even school uniforms (one preferred the 2 button polo shirts, one the 3 button shirts). I washed them all together and put them all into the same drawers and closets, but they knew which things were whose. If there was an emergency then certainly one could wear her sister’s polo or skort to school, but they almost always wore their own things.

I’ve made a bazillion masks. We all have our own and don’t wear each others.

@jym626 thanks for sharing the UGA system’s plan.

If you’re looking for reusable cloth masks for your student, you may want to check out the masks from Brooks Brothers. They claim their masks can block 86% of particles (vs 95% for N95 masks). The mask costs $3-4 each, depending on quantity ordered. It is hand-washable and made in USA.

MODERATOR’S NOTE: Discussion about how severe the COVID-19 threat is should be restricted to the general thread, not this one. Thanks.

Huh? The shirts my kids got are from the school and school clubs. I’m not even sure what you mean by outside event organizers and recruiters. That’s not what I was talking about.

Dr Fauci on colleges returning to campus.

In the absence of decent data on non-medical cloth masks, D19 will take her own surgical (not n95) masks to school this fall. There seems to be wide availability for the surgical masks again.

I don’t love their disposable nature, but based on the little data there is, they are more effective than cloth masks.

My worry with the cloth masks is the daily washing requirement. Not easy at school with shared W/Ds. Would hand washing with detergent in a dorm sink and air drying kill the virus? I’m thinking of sending D back with a combination of cloth and disposables.

Dh and I were discussing piece this just now as DS19’s school formally announced online only for the fall and the more I think about it I believe that Purdue makes some good points. In our area more businesses and malls may be opening soon and I’m pretty certain that K-12 will be back in-person in the fall in some fashion (though that hasn’t been formally announced but I just can’t see how they can sustain online learning for this age group), so if they can all open why is it that university campuses can’t figure out a way to bring back their students in-person in a safe way?

I wouldn’t think so, as I think the temperature needs to reach 165 degrees to kill the virus. Maybe you could get a dozen cloth masks so she could just throw them in with her regular laundry? Brooks brothers has them on sale.

Reading the Georgia guidelines, so things that stuck out is that , those faculty who desire not to return to FTF learning, should let their department heads know and see what alternatives can be done. In the case also that instruction goes online, the goal is to allow students to SIP in the residence halls, and dining is to be modified even moreso than Social distancing. i think move out again is not a goal. In March many kids were on spring break or close to it when this all happened. It was also going into the unknown, so everyone “went home” who could. I think in the fall , this wont happen as much unless there is some large out break on campus that cannot be contained.

Disposable surgical masks vary significantly in quality. The data on them are very limited too. The few that are tested (presumably the good quality ones) show they block 50-70% of particles of 0.3 microns, likely higher than most homemade cloth masks but less than the Brooks Brothers’ cloth masks.