School in the 2020-2021 Academic Year & Coronavirus (Part 1)


93.3% of the world’s population doesn’t even have a college degree making it a luxury item for an elite 6.7% (whether they get that degree from a residential college or not).

To the cruise comment: Who do you you think is going to do a better job to protect their students/customers: a university with $8 billion endowment and a world-class medical center on campus or Carnival Cruise lines with their 2 doctors?

Yes, I have a feeling Rice did something to encourage faculty to teach this summer. Normally Rice has a decent number of on campus classes in the summer and a few online only. This year, they GREATLY decreased the cost of classes for the summer (at least for current students - not sure about everyone else) and have quite a lot of offerings. The day the stay at home order was extended in our state my D signed up to take a 7 week class. She had no plans to take a class this summer before than. Most of her friends are taking at least 1, if not more, classes this summer. My D is finding the class she’s taking now is of higher quality than the ones she took this spring.

They both have extremely large incentives to protect students/customers. But you’re missing the point. The issue is, how easily does covid spread in dorms, versus in cruise ships? Is a dorm like a cruise ship, in terms of ease of transmission of covid? If it is, then one covid case will quickly turn into an outbreak.

Here it is. Not sure I understand how there will be the same number of varsity recruits (which is what the article says), unless sailing is going to be huge and/or the remaining varsity sports get more recruits.

Agree the timing is curious.

More recruits for football, hockey, basketball and the other sports they are retaining or promoting to varsity… No recruits for golf and track. It’ll equal out, they say.

Oddly enough, in all of our moving to and fro in the country, and the great variety of people we know, we don’t know any kid who has gone from high school to a four year college and commutes. Kids who start at a community college, yes- but ALL the kids we know and have known who have gone to a four year college go away to a dorm. Weird how different our bubble (big bubble) seems to be than the norm.

Why would someone pay the fancy LAC price ($70k a year) for online classes? The value isn’t in the name. The value is the experience.

70K includes room and board (that expense goes away if instruction is fully online), books (about same price anywhere), and travel and personal expenses (lower if living at home).

Tuition itself is typically around 50K.

I’m not sure you can make a broad across the board statement like that. In many third world or developing countries a college degree (or even a high school degree) is not necessary to gain sufficient employment to live a subsistence lifestyle. In many first world countries not having a college degree can result in employment that may not support even a subsistence lifestyle due to the relatively higher cost of living.

I’ll like it a lot more when he spells out what the rules and the penalties are. I doubt he sends someone home for going to a party with out a mask.

The faculty is getting the message and I bet they will follow the directions. They can be fired for not adhering to the rules, and that’s a powerful motivator.

For adjuncts, that’s not really how it works. We’re not paid by the hour, but by the course. Preparing is just part of it and I expect that I will be doing more than usual of that this summer as we try to prepare for in-class, in-my-living room, and hybrid options, currently without direction as we await the governor’s word from on high.

It’s a shame that some colleges are leaving people without direction. What are they thinking?

Regardless, Colleges can easily make a vaccine a requirement for faculty (employment), students (attendance) and staff (employment).

State owned and operated schools can be closed by the state or federal government. They can be asked to close by city and county governments.

Private schools can be closed by city, county, state, or federal government.

Remember colleges are important so they won’t be closed by some random Barney Fife.

It seems highly unlikely that any school will be able to mandate much ( from masks to vaccines). Folks can say they can’t wear a mask ( due to anxiety or medical) in our state and no one has the right to ask them about it. There is no way you will ever see anywhere near full compliance on a vaccine that hasn’t been widely tested. As it is, people can opt out of tried vaccines ( like the measles!!) due to medical and religious reasons.
I think realistically what is left is free will and possibly social groups enforcing compliance. Even in states that have been very hard hit there aren’t a lot of folks wearing masks. Humans don’t want to be told what to do. Especially humans that are 18-24.

In New York all plans for colleges to reopen will be reviewed by governor and will need approval before colleges can reopen. So New York Colleges are waiting for that approval which won’t even take place until Mid June.

Not sure who the sarcasm is directed at, but obviously the sooner we (faculty, adjuncts, etc.) know what we’re supposed to be doing, the sooner we can prepare for making the best of whatever bad situation it turns out to be, which is a matter of great concern to paying students and parents. Right now, it just feels like we’re all holding our breath waiting to see the outcome.

I disagree. A college can say, wear a mask/shield or take your classes online. Easy. The person who claims a medical reason not to be able to wear a mask/shield has to be offered an accommodation, and the accommodation will be “take classes online.”