School in the 2020-2021 Academic Year & Coronavirus (Part 1)

Shouldn’t the whole family until they can go get tested and know results? Even then, would have to literally quarantine the one who tested positive, and not always possible if small living space.

Both kids went to school with digital one’s anyway. You need to provide I assume.

"Bowdoin said all remote on June 22nd. "

The CSUs said online only in April, ahead of the curve. I think they may still try hybrid classess - labs, art, music, but pretty much online.

[quote=“EmptyNestSoon2, post:12535, topic:2088334”]

Well, of course I agree with you about in person class. Why do you think S19 is taking a leave of absence? Wants in person class too. But, during Covid, I’m just not convinced that in-person class will be safe or close enough to the real thing that it will be worth it. I’m so curious to hear both faculty and kids’ impressions of in-person classes this fall.

Boulder school district went to all remote for 1st quarter. College kids who live around schools will still go to school and walk right by the grade school and Boulder High, but the kids will go online. Except those high school kids will still work at the grocery stores, at the mall, at all the fast food places.

All the big school districts are starting to go online for first quarter. Most are allowing special needs students to go to a physical building but their programs all need to be adjusted since they won’t be in class as planned.

@EmptyNestSoon2 now thinking about leave of absence (medical reasons on top of the pandemic) I hope she won’t lose her scholarship

“University of Virginia announced Tuesday that it will delay undergraduate in-person instruction and residence hall move-in dates by two weeks in response to an uptick in local and national coronavirus cases”.

Wow. Seems disruptive to try to move every one in a few weeks after class starts and change classes to in person, even in good times. UVA must really be counting on quick improvement. I wonder if parents are thinking their kids won’t be brought back at all if things don’t improve.

So with no students living on campus and no in person classes for the first two weeks, but most of the upper class students living off campus and likely moving back anyway…this might be a good case to follow to see how much the virus spreads in a college town whether or not the campus is open.

Hi MommaOfDrama (love the name), I’m not sure if this was intentionally directed at me, but I also hope your child doesn’t lose their scholarship if they take a LOA. And I wish my kids could take time off this year, makes so much sense to do so, it sounds like you have extra reasons to pursue it, so I’ll be hoping it all works out for you.

Take your own

@Faithabove thermometers will be in the protect Purdue pack with the masks, shield and hand sanitizer. That said D has always had a thermometer in her first aid kit.

Yeah, I just hope by the time this thing is over that we will have a better sense of how the other half lives and frets just like we do, school district by school district.

I bough my son a thermometer at Amazon for $10. I am wondering if he will ever take it out of the package.

Its too late now for son’s school to completely pivot. People are starting to move-in. He knows kids that are there already. Also, they had this program where you could ship boxes of your belongings and they would be put in your dorm room for you in order to cut down on the amount you need to actually move in on move in days. Boxes have been shipped and the school posted a picture yesterday of them sorting them out. They are planning to start online for the first week and then go to f2f. This is the one place they have flexibility. They could delay the date where they switch to f2f and have already indicated that this could change.

One of my son’s best friends was tested Monday as part of his school’s pre-arrival plan. He’s supposed to get his test back today. They don’t move in for two weeks. How is that test doing anybody any good?

@me29034. We can all debate when the kids should get tested but if the kid is positive then starting quarentene does separate him from others. Nothing is perfect.

S22’s public school announced the fall plan last night. Parents/students have two options…fully online or a hybrid plan with a phased in approach. Hybrid means 1 day per week for at least the first two weeks, then 2 days per week for at least two weeks. Eventually they hope to get to 4 days per week, but that would shift the format to week on/week off for students.

**The major bone of contention is that school extracurriculars would not be available to online students, but would for hybrid students.

UIUC is streaming their Covid-19 briefing today at 11:30am CST. I’m interested in hearing how they plan on utilizing their saliva test twice per week for all faculty members, staff and students. The app (Safer in Illinois) for building access is interesting too.

UCOnn just announced that they will not be competing in football this fall. More to come, I’m sure.

You obviously want to look up the scholarship rules on leaves of absence before making this decision.

Colorado high school sports will only have boys tennis, boys golf, softball, and XC this fall. All other sports are moved to the spring (including winter sports).

This means that students who play two or three sports will have to choose. It also means refs who work two or more sports will either works more in the spring or make less money. I actually think this won’t work in the spring and a lot of sports will be cancelled in the spring too.

Just kicking the can…

@GKUnion wrote:

I don’t understand. Are they still trying to shoehorn activities inside a brick and mortar setting?

It was hard to hear because a lot of people were talking over each other on the Zoom call, but it seems to have something to do with FERPA. If a student speaks in the class meeting, or even texts using their name in the Chat function, it is privacy protected by the FERPA regulations. The College President, Provost, and several other top peeps were in this Zoom Town Hall, so I assume (?) they know what they’re talking about.