School in the 2020-2021 Academic Year & Coronavirus (Part 1)

Three clusters already identified at UNC.

^Link appears to be broken, @alh

The local reaction to the videos from Villanova is more “oh well kids will be kids” than anger. Even the students interviewed on the local news were kind of just shoulder shrugging.

A woman I know whose son goes to a small LAC in our state finds it “outrageous “ that the kids can’t just hang together as normal once they get negative test results back. It does boggle the mind.

I live near Villanova and the grocery stores and computer centers were mobbed with parents and kids. Will be interesting to see how the local Covid case counts respond. We’ve been doing very well up to now.

Thanks for the continuing info on Amherst @rosepetal I am not surprpised by a town petition. I think that happens daily in Amherst LOL. It was more the interview the Town Manager gave to the newspaper in opposition to UMASS opening at the time. How is AC regulating students not going off campus? It is an open campus with some living halls (used to be fraternities) on the town common. Everything is in a few minutes walking distance. Did students sign something saying they won’t go into town?

This is seriously a joke.

Iowa State is going to completely blow up with virus. I don’t know how to post the pics I’m seeing from a friend but there are groups of hundreds at parties on the street and bars are full. No masks. Who is the president of this school!??? He or she should be accountable.

Iowa State makes much of the fact that they “only” have 2.2% of their students testing positive. But that’s enormous, for surveillance testing.

If you tested every single person in a hard hit area like Texas, you probably wouldn’t see a positivity that high.

@homerdog, Are students arriving to campus with the virus or contracting it after they move in? The article makes it sound like students are being tested when they arrive.

I just looked it up. Only kids in dorms being tested. Doesn’t look like there’s any quarantine until results come. So they tested about 3000 kids. I can’t see any info on what happened to that two percent of positive cases. Now, no other testing unless student admit to showing symptoms on an app and then they get a test. There are 30K total students there. What a joke. Even the messaging on their website about plans around Covid are minimal.

Unofficial rumor of 10 infected hockey team members at my daughters western ny LAC. They start classes tomorrow.

This is their directions for parties. I have to laugh. It says “if the police show up, wear a face mask covering and comply with requests.”

Wow, that IA State party guide is absolutely unbelievable. And yes, love the advice for masks if the cops show up.

I can’t imagine this will go well at all.

Is Iowa State trying to cause outbreaks? Doesn’t look like they’re trying not to.

What a surprise. There’s another cluster at UNC. That makes four, three at dorms and one at a frat house. I wonder how many clusters there will be by Friday. Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen.

Inevitable that we’ll soon be seeing wide scale outbreaks at Georgia and Alabama, where the student by-and-large seem unconcerned about following social distancing protocols.

I suspect we will see large outbreaks at nearly every large school both public and private.

Today Fareed Zakaria interviewed the Danish education minister about how Denmark was the first to return to in-person school and why they succeeded. (Despite not requiring masks). She said the most important thing was creating groups of 24 children who always stayed together in one class, ate together, had recess together, etc. So if one child fell ill, they knew exactly who they had to test and quarantine.

That could work here, in elementary and middle school at least. Doesn’t seem possible for high school or college.

Agree. The question then becomes, when will a school shut down completely? Those offering in-person will move to remote instruction, but then how long until they send students home? And once they sent residential students home, they will lose complete control over the off-campus population.

I am a bit surprised that outbreaks have already been identified at schools that are only testing symptomatic students.

Apparently the professors are now a bit worried about the clusters and have scheduled an executive group meeting tomorrow afternoon to discuss with University Leadership.

I have no idea what 100% of the clusters would be (10 or 100?), but 4 clusters (which they defined as 5+ cases in close proximity) in 3 days has to make you wonder where they are going to isolate everyone? Before the outbreaks, they were in the high 90’s (82 of 85) on isolation room capacity and the low 70’s (45 of 63) for Quarantine rooms. If they are contact-tracing at all, they have to have multiple dozens (at least) in need of isolation, and by definition at least 20 quarantine beds. I appreciate people can leave those rooms so there could be fewer using them today vs. Friday, but they are on the verge of their capacity (per their dashboard). It’s not good.

If we’re placing bets…I would bet that they are 100% virtual (for an initial few days when it’s announced) this week.