School in the 2020-2021 Academic Year & Coronavirus (Part 1)

I haven’t read all the replies here - hard to keep up. But I wanted to ask - what have you all been hearing about how Greek rush is being handled at various schools? My d is at FSU and sororities there are having zoom rush. On the other hand, starting in September fraternities are apparently going to have in person rush?!? How is that not a recipe for disaster? Ugh. I do not have a good feeling about this.

@amsunshine Purdue is not allowing any in-person Greek events this semester. Rush is over zoom. D is saying no visitors allowed in any sorority houses and that frats are moving in that direction too after the early suspension of one of the houses.

Thanks. I hope FSU makes some kind of decision that prohibits in person rush before it starts.

U of SC sorority rush was completely online.

Florida State, looking at disasters like Notre Dame and UNC: Hold my beer.

Does anyone know anything about Ohio State? I heard an anecdote that they tested kids one hour before their move in, so the results weren’t back. The person I know had their child’s roommate test positive and because they had spent one night in the room together their student had to come back home to quarantine. What is the point of testing if you’re putting them in dorms together before results are back?

My LAC is using Broad, and I’m still receiving my 2x/week test results in 24 hours, or even less. I received Friday afternoon’s test results yesterday (Saturday) morning. D20’s college is also using Broad to test all students, faculty, and staff 2X/week. She received her results within 24 hours, though one of her hallmates received her test in about 36 hours. I suspect the delay was due to the large number of students moving in to campus all at once.

Agree. The blue states took precautions in the spring because they were hammered with Covid and now are taking precautions because the rest of the states are hammered with Covid. Those states aren’t taking many precautions though. So the blue states take the medicine for the rest of the country.

The point of testing is to find students who are positive. Which Ohio State did.

Or maybe they are trying to squash the current outbreaks and give kids another chance to follow the rules. It makes total sense. Also, there is going to be more testing coming online soon with the yale testing development last week and the soon to be released antigen tests (CAUTIOUSLY OPTIMISTIC).

FSU did the same thing – had the kids test one hour before move in. We were fortunate both D and her roommate tested negative. The turnaround time for D was 24 hours, but her roommate’s results took a couple of days to come back, so that was strange and a little bit of a nail-biter. They both moved in Monday and the roommate’s test was at least 5 hours before my D took hers. I agree it seems somewhat counterproductive to do things this way.

I get the testing upon arrival if that’s coupled with quarantining until results. I don’t understanding testing upon arrival and letting kids be out and about. A friend’s son’s school did it that way and one roommate tested positive so the whole suite is now quarantined and they sent the covid positive student back home. That doesn’t seem good either from a spread perspective.

Oh, I forgot to mention the nurse who administered my D’s covid test at FSU told her to try to stay in her dorm room until she got results, to only go out if necessary and, lastly . . . . wait for it . . . . only participate in gatherings of 10 people or less. :wink: I had to laugh.

Thank you @scoop85 this is good to know, sounds like Colgate’s plan is similar to other LACS like Williams, Amherst, Bowdoin, etc., the only difference is the use if doubles. Will be interesting to see if the use of doubles makes a difference, also, the frequency of testing seems less.

I don’t understand this-are these people living under a rock? And she’s a medical professional, no less.

Bowdoin’s plan is different. Only freshmen and transfers on campus for fall. Yes, all in singles. About 600 total students.

Maybe Rosepetal35 can clarify but I believe that Amherst College is only having 1/2 its students live on campus this fall. Is Colgate full roster? Must be if they are in doubles.

That’s what these school administrators want people to believe.

I hate zoom too, but, yeah, that would be me refusing to prerecord my lecture. That seems worthless to me.

I know some ND parents who think the decision has already been made to send the kids home after the 2 weeks of online classes. Purpose of the 2 week period, according to these parents, was to avoid perception of sending totally unknown number of cases back home across the country. No idea how true that may be. Will see in about 10 days I guess.

Ohio State tested everyone coming back to residence halls. Will test everyone living in on-campus housing once per week. Also random surveillance testing for off campus residents. They say they will have a dashboard online but haven’t found it yet.