School in the 2020-2021 Academic Year & Coronavirus (Part 1)

But if you cancel, how does that help you? Do you just keep the deposit (which they’d probably gladly give you)? Many state laws don’t allow you to refuse to approve a sublet if the new person meets all the qualifications or you forfeit the rent for those months. Student lobbies in the college towns like Madison Wis and Berkeley CA have been very strong in getting those provisions (and interest on deposits, and reasonable cleaning deposits, etc).

@Hilltowner thats what I meant. Thanks for clarifying!

I’m not sure this article from Inside Higher Ed has been shared before in this thread:

This article appeared in The Chronicle of Higher Education about Northeastern University’s plans to reopen. It is behind a paywall but you should get one free article.

And this is a terrific article in this morning’s Chronicle about the situation at Appalachian State:

Quick update. Son’s second test is today. Since he never got a result from his first test, he can’t go to class. But hopefully the turn-around on this test will be quick & there won’t be any more screw ups!! He’s hoping to get into the classroom by Thurs.

It’s a decision the student or family made. I really don’t feel that bad for someone that decides to stay home. We had this discussion with my son. He wants to be on campus (off campus housing), no matter what. All families knew of the possibilities. My son waited and waited to sign his lease till just over a month prior. This is nuts at his school since things are normally sold out. He showed me students were posting for roommates/apartments right up to move in day…regardless… He doesn’t want to be home. He was at school spring semester also but we will see how it goes.

Being home is not what he wants and I don’t blame him at all. Today is the first day of school for him. Hopefully it goes well.

Well it seems that is not the case in Ann Arbor.

This just seems like another way to screw the student. The only reason not to allow the sublet is to control supply and demand. I understand that a lease has been signed but at any school we have ever dealt with those off campus housing leases are signed by Thanksgiving the year prior. This would have been way before the virus appeared in the world. So much for students being proactive and securing housing early for the following year.

A lot of off campus private apartment buildings are owned by REIT’s and managed by management companies that handle large numbers of properties. So that makes them harder to deal with for students who are trying to get out of leases.

Well Duke just posted their latest COVID numbers. 3 weeks in and they tested 4,185 students randomly and zero positives. They also tested 3 symptomatic and all 3 were positives. An additional 1,170 entry tested (grad and professional students) and 3 positives. So total of 6/5,358. Faculty and Staff was 3/284.

@Darcy123 - wow!! Go Devils! Impressive stats. You are on campus, right? Any feedback you can share?

I agree and getting out of the lease is one thing but subletting it is another and seems resourceful for someone that no longer wants or needs the space. I think the counties that these rentals are in should pressure the landlords or management companies to be flexible in someway especially in a sublet that does not change their ability to make money on the particular unit. I do wonder how many students (including my kids) will be quick to renew leases come this November for 2021.

Bowdoin welcomed freshmen and transfers to campus on Saturday. All of the students who were tested that day are negative. Tests were given throughout the day and reached Broad late Sat night. Results were received at Bowdoin at 10:00 am this morning.

One student arrived on campus who got news of a positive result on route to school. He went right to isolation. Don’t completely understand that one. He apparently was negative on the test Bowdoin sent home to kids but then took another test on his own late last week and got the result while on the drive to Bowdoin. Also not sure why they didn’t tell him to turn around and go home but let him go to isolation. I’m sure we will not get those details but it’s good that he notified them.

Daughter’s latest test took about 54 hours for results from Broad. That is by far the longest she has had to wait for results. Now that so many schools have students back this week, I wonder if Broad is starting to get overwhelmed or if it was simply due to the weekend…

Broad increased their testing capacity from 35K to 50K tests/day one day last week. I wonder if that overnight increase in capacity has resulted in some operational delays, in addition to the increased volume.

The second chart here shows daily tests. Impressive output.

Were your D’s movements restricted while awaiting results?

FSU just updated their dashboard. 8224 tested. 123 students and 6 faculty/staff tested positive for a rate of 1.57 percent. Last week, the number of positive tests was about half of that, so this is not great news.

Temple University is going totally remote for 2 weeks due to having 103 cases of covid. I think they tested like 5000 students.

@HamSBDad @CT1417 There was buzz in the Middlebury parents FB group this weekend that test results were taking longer. With the majority of Williams students moving in this week, plus most of Tufts, it will be interesting to see if Broad can maintain their timeline. Williams won’t let students our of their rooms until they have 2 negative tests, which they said should be 5-7 days, so I suspect that they’ll pressure Broad to make sure they can keep their word.

Yes my D20 is on campus. It’s going pretty well for her. She is lucky that as an ED admit she went to an early campus admit day in January and met some kids. I think those who didn’t know anyone and aren’t particularly outgoing had a harder time connecting without your typical orientation activities. 2/5 classes are in person. The remote classes have been pretty good from what I understand. She enjoying studying/hanging out in the common room with a few friends and outside. She says mask compliance is very good on campus. I know that many of the juniors and seniors are near campus in apartments. We haven’t heard of big gatherings like at other schools. The greeks dont’ have separate housing there, so I think that’s helped as well. We’ll see if they can hold it together until Thanksgiving.