School of Communication v. Arts and Sciences

<p>Which is more competitive for admissions at U. Miami, School of Communication or College of Arts and Sciences? Once a student there in either program, is it harder to transfer from one school to the other, or is it relatively easy to switch majors? Son is interested in aspects of both schools and the application process asks that you choose now.</p>

<p>it’s very easy to switch majors in almost all cases ( i think the exception is if you want to transfer to School of Music or School of Architecture, they require you to have a music portfolio ). I have two friends, one changed Finance to Biology when he is freshman, one changed from Mathematics to Advertisement in sophomore year. If your son hasn’t decided majors, he can mark " undecided " in application forms. Many students in U don’t choose major until the sophomore years, and a lot change major after studying one or two semesters.</p>

<p>Thanks so much for your reply. Any idea about the competitiveness comparisons for School of Communication v. Arts & Sciences? Is it easier to apply as an incoming freshman for SOC or does it make no difference? I have not seen any info about number of students accepted into each of the two schools from the freshman pool, for example. He could certainly choose “Undecided,” but he has to choose the school now, it seems.</p>