School of Continuing and Professional Studies

<p>Anybody have any opinions about this school? I looked in the "official decision" thread thingey, and nobody posted had gotten accepted/rejected from SCPS? Do many people apply? Hard to get in? Harder than Stern? Thanks a lot =]</p>

<p>I got accepted to NYU SCPS last year and I'm going there right now. NYU SCPS is the second smallest school in NYU (around 250 students) so it is pretty competitive to get in. GSP used to be in with SCPS but now it's not (thank goodness, haha i really don't want to be in the same school as GSPs, no offense). Currently, there is Hospitality and Tourism Management for undergraduate and graduate students and Sports Management. So if you're thinking of going in to the hotel, tourism or sports business, then it's for you. NYU hotel management is third in the country. I think that SCPS is easier to get in to than Stern but if you're thinking of getting an easy acceptance to SCPS and then later transferring to Stern then it's not possible because they recently made it not allowed for SCPS to tranfer in to Stern. Personally, I love SCPS: I've met alot of Hotel General Managers from five star hotels and was able to shadow them. They have a great academics as well. Good luck!</p>

<p>Thansk euphoria! Do you know if they look more at stats (SATs, GPAs) more overall (EC's, work experience, etc) or essays or what? thanks!! Cuase I"m interested in Hospitality, but I'm not too sure yet. So I don't know if I want to apply to a specific hospitality major or general business yet. Thanks. =]</p>

<p>Hmmm... I'm not sure cuz I'm not an admissions committee person and I have no idea how they choose who gets in or not. But for me, I think a HUGE plus for Hotel or Tourism management kids is if they speak more than one language. When I looked at my hotel and tourism management class (there's like 55-60), i'd say 30-40 percent are asian. I think they like it cuz most of them speak two languages, be it Korean, Chinese, Japanese, etc. Also, I think you're background counts alot. I spoke with a lot of my classmates, and one thing I had in common with them is that we all lived in a lot of countries. They like diverse people, talking from the professors. THey also like it alot if you do well in math.</p>

<p>It's a lot easier to get in early decision. 9 kids applied to NYU early decision from my school this year, and 3 of us got in. The kid who got into SCPS had the lowest stats out of everyone who had applied. However, he went there for sports management (I think) and he had a vast amount of experience in that field. So definitely, I mean no disrespect to SCPS students, because I think to get admitted you have to have talent, experience, and passion for the field that you want to go into. I think that may be what they focus on more over GPA and SAT scores.</p>

<p>SCPS probably has the lowest test averages among all of NYU's schools possibly with the exception of GSP, and all in all, it's definitely easier to get into compared to some other NYU schools. However, like shootehJoon said, your EC's may have more weight when applying to this school. The reason the Hotel and Sports Management majors are in the SCPS, which is the school where many older professionals study part-time (although Hotel & Sports Management are for traditional-age undergrads), is because work experience plays a bigger part then usual in one's undergraduate career there. You'll get good internship opportunities in this school and the NYC location is unbeatable of course for the Hotel and Sports industries. I myself am a transfer applicant who applied to the Sports Management program but I won't find out until probably May. But even if I get in I'm probably not going though...</p>

<p>Euphoria-- NYU in general is competitve but SCPS is the easiest of the schools. Test scores and GPA is lower than the other schools. Also, the kids that I know that are in SCPS are generally international kids and half of them (of the ones I know) don't speak English fluently. I'm not in GSP, but when you start to say "Thank god, GSP isn't grouped with my school" or something to that effect, it's a little annoying.</p>

<p>I got into SCPS for hotel.. and seeing from above.. it seems like it is considered not a particularly good school in NYU... and I guess many people dont know of it.
So is it not worth it to go?
Would it be really hard to find jobs graduating from there? Thanks.</p>

<p>so scps isn't considered a very good school in nyu is the impression i'm getting. yet euphoria said it was 3rd in nation for hospitality? how can this be so conflicting? So, I guess applying to stern is a lot better than? thanks.</p>

<p>shootehjoon: Sports Management is definately not the same as Hotel Management even though they are in the same school. They are in totally different playing fields. As I said before Hotel Management is third in the country so it is a very good program. But hey, Cornell Hotel School is definately recognized in the world so if you got in there, you should go there. But you do have a point that if you EC's are excellent( you show the passion for you field) then they would overlook your stats.</p>

<p>Micheeatsfish: I don't think SCPS is the easiest of the schools to get in to. I will admit it is definately easier than Stern, Nursing or Tish but it's kind of a different field. SCPS will like a student who have interned at hotels and show a passion for their field rather than a student who has better grades but no EC's that sets them aprat. And why is it annoying when I say that I like it that GSP isn't in my school? GSP kids aren't even technicall NYU students. SCPS kids got in to NYU and ARE NYU students. I'm an international student and I have friends at SCPS who are international kids, and yes, most of them have a hard time speaking the English that we use (like everyday English) their grammar and math skills are way better than American kids here. </p>

<p>tiramisuS2: I think that the people above honestly don't know that much about the Hotel management deparatment. I did alot of research starting in my junior year because my dream was to be Hotel General Manager. Even Cornell says that NYU hotel managment is superior to theirs in terms of getting great internships DURING the school year as opposed to saying for just the summer so the companies get to work with you more. A lot of people I know who are graduating this year from SCPS hotel school have gotten jobs at five star hotels like Mandarin Oriental, Warldorf-Astoria and Ritz Carlton. Internships are AMAZING at NYU hotel managment as well as for other schools.</p>

<p>euphoria1004, why does every one of your posts sound bitter?</p>

<p>haha do i? sorry, i guess it's cuz people just seem to say stuff about SCPS without knowing their facts.</p>

<p>no offense I think the reason why the stats are so low in SCPS is because of the sports management kids</p>

<p>… (jocks? that’s the impression they gave me every time i attend professional seminar)</p>

<p>euphoria1004, tiramisu, ANYONE ELSE WHO GOT IN!</p>

<p>can you share your GPA and GRE scores with me? I just applied for fall 2013. I am really trying to gauge what my chances are!!</p>

<p>Please help.</p>

<p>I think you got accepted for the Fall Term 2013 if I’m not mistaken. The deadline is August 15th. I’m submitting mine this week but it’s for the undergraduate school at Paul McGhee.</p>