<p>Okay, I have some questions and if anyone can help me out, that would be great!! Thanks in advance!</p>
<li> Can you apply to the Tufts School of Engineering right out of high school?</li>
<li> Is there a foreign language requirement before graduation from the Engineering school?</li>
<li> What is the Engineering School’s policy on homeschooled applicants?</li>
<li> Is there a separate application for the Engineering School, or something special you have to fill out on the regular application?</li>
(I'm not quite sure how the admissions work; have you checked the engineering school's or the admissions websites?)</li>
<p>What a coincidence (probably)! I just answered a homeschooling question in another thread. </p>
<li><p>The same as it is for everyone else. I'll hit some of the basics here, but you may wish to consider calling the schools in you are interested to get a sense of what sort of information you'll need to gather for your application. I read some of the more sparely populated states out west, and so I've read a few homeschoolers. Our academic evaluation is centered around understanding the context and circumstances of an applicant's education. This is a particularly challenging hurdle for the home-schooled student applying to schools like Tufts. We look to understand challenge of curriculum, subjects covered, and that sort of thing. With homeschooling, there are many more pieces to that puzzle, and we need to have as many of them as possible (while still making things manageable - a 200 page curricular book can be helpful, for instance, but we won't be able to do anymore than skim something of that size). Also crucial to our understanding is helping us see the reasons behind the decision to homeschool, especially if reasonable public schooling is available nearby. The non-traditional path can be incredibly interesting, but I need to hear from you why you/your parents thought it would be the better option for you.</p></li>
<p>There's a little more than that, but those are the highlights, and the rest is better explained over the phone since I don't like to type THAT much.</p>
<li> Nope. Same application, you just check a different box and we ask for science/math based subject testing.</li>