School of International Affairs

<p>Does anyone have any information about the new school of International Affairs supposedly to be opening this fall?..</p>

<p>also what are my chances...</p>

<p>White Male from outside Philadelphia, Pa
4.24 - Weighted GPA
3.95 - Unweighted
7/250 - Class Rank</p>

<p>SAT: Math – 640
Reading – 560
Writing – 590
(I know it's low. I just could not do well on them.)</p>

<p>APs Taken:
-US History
-English Language and Composition
-Calculus </p>

-Class President
-Secretary of National Honor Society
-President of Spanish Club
-President and Founder of Young Democrats of America</p>

-History Club
-Junior Statesmen of America
-Key Club
-Math League
-Model UN
-National Honor Society
-Spanish Club
-Stock Market Club
-Varsity Club</p>

-Varsity Baseball
-Varsity Golf</p>

<p>Summer Experiences:
-I was selected and give a scholarship to attend a 4-day leadership camp</p>

<p>Work Experience:
I have worked the same part-time job for the past 3 years working around 25 hours a week</p>

<p>Community Service:
-I tutor at the local elementary school
-I help out at the local church handing out community meals to the poor
-I take part in roadside cleanups with my school
-I helped organize my schools Relay for Life
-I help volunteer at the local little league by umpiring baseball games</p>

<p>I don't know specifically about the school of intl relations, but PSU puts a heavier weight on grades (2/3) than SATs (1/3), which is good news for you. Apply as soon as you can in August. If you're willing, also indicate that you're able to start in summer session (end of June). This also helps with getting in..</p>

<p>From what I've gathered from this link from PSU's website the school of International Affairs sounds like it's a Masters degree (not undergraduate) program: Penn</a> State School of International Affairs</p>

<p>Yeah, it does look like it's a masters program.</p>