School of New York Times Summer Academy?

Hello! I have been looking into the NYT Summer programs, but due to their ~6k cost, I was wondering if I could hear from anyone on here who’s attended. Was it worth it in your experience? Or, if you’re willing to share, do you how up to what % of financial aid they’ve given of the tuition cost (for middle class)?
Specifically, I’d love to attend the DC location, so if you went there it’d be great if you could share your thoughts!
Thank you!

Hello! I attended the School of The New York Times in the summer of 2018. I had an amazing experience, and I definitely learned a lot and grew as an individual. That being said, the program is extremely expensive. Because of this, I actually created a GoFundMe and got someone to sponsor me to cover the costs. I am middle class, and I received no financial aid, even with my mom being unemployed. I honestly think most of the financial aid goes to low income students who truly cannot afford it. But, the program has grown a lot since I attended, and I’m pretty sure they probably have hundreds of thousands of dollars more to give away. Hopefully this helps! If you apply but can’t afford it, there are other ways to get the money. If you have questions, just reply and I’ll be back!