<p>I got a letter today inviting me to the School of Theatre's Open House on April 10th...at the bottom it says "This invitation does not constituate admission into the University or the School of Theatre" (because they're a**holes) but I was just wondering if anyone else got one...I applied as a Theatre Major.</p>
<p>yeah I got it too. I was pretty excited, ooh, a letter from USC! But just an invitation to an open house that I can’t go to… (I’ll in Paris. Not a bad reason to miss it!)</p>
<p>I just hate that they keep toying with my emotions…
It was like AWW NOO a small envelope
then OHH YAYYY an invitation
then AWWW NOOO nevermind.</p>
<p>Sigh. At least you’ll be in Paris.</p>
<p>Did you apply for Theatre?</p>
<p>yeah, BA theatre. Hoping to minor in MT and maybe critical studies at the SCA, too.
are you bfa or ba?</p>
<p>Daughter got one today. Can’t go either, she will be in her performing choir show.</p>