School Report.... PART II?

<p>Looks like Harvard has their own part of the School Report, which I was totally unaware of located here (last 2 pages is theirs, first 2 is common app)</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Are those last two pages if you're using Harvard's application and not the Common App? In that case why does it say that it is the second part of the school report? In my opinion, Harvard's part of the school report wouldn't add much information to the Common App's School Report anyways... so is it optional?</p>

<p>I find it odd that this was so hard to find... it's not mentioned anywhere on commonapp's site, and I only came across this by skimming through other sections of CC.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>Woah that’s actually really scary. Thanks for pointing it out. Now I don’t know if I should actually print this out for my counselor to do…it looks exactly the same</p>

<p>Thanks for bringing this to people’s attention. It’s a surprise each year.</p>

<p>I talked to my college counselor the other day, who said that it’s only necessary if you’re using Harvard’s application and not the common app.</p>

<p>Harvard no longer has its own application. It solely uses Common Application and Universal Application. The School Report Part II is required of all applicants. Hence, Part II (2): it goes after Part I (the Common/Universal App School Report). They even call it a "supplement to the Common Application.</p>

<p>Harvard hasn’t had its own application form for YEARS.</p>

<p>“We have provided this supplement to the Common Application School Report to give secondary schools the opportunity to offer further information about their students. You may have already provided this information in your report; we are happy to accept letters or photocopied reports and ask only that you staple them to this form. We recognize that not all parts of this form apply equally to all schools, and we understand that many counselors face extraordinarily demanding workloads. We are extremely grateful for your help in assisting students in the transition from secondary school to college.”</p>

<p>it does say that it’s not required; but if there’s anything in addition that your counselor thinks needs to be discussed, then this Part II is where it needs to be put</p>

<p>In answer to a question I received by private message, on the basis of what is said above, I would seek to have the Harvard School Report II form filled out and sent in, but I wouldn’t worry about it if the school doesn’t do that. </p>

<p>Good luck to all of you in your applications, and again thanks to the OP for raising the question publicly so all the current applicants can check this detail.</p>

<p>Wow…thanks everyone. My college counselor is pretty incompetant as it is (won’t bore you with the details), but for her not to know that Harvard doesn’t even have its own app. anymore is just disheartening. Anyway, as long as it’s optional, I won’t bother her with it again…the questions seem repetitive, anyways.</p>

<p>when should we have it sent in? before the dealine? or is it like a midyear thing?</p>

<p>“The School Report Part II is required of all applicants.”</p>

<p>Where does it say this? I can’t find it, and my GC (or anyone) in my counseling department hasn’t mentioned it. They don’t seem to have cared about not having it in the past.</p>

<p>^ it doesn’t say that. look at my post from earlier:</p>

<p>“We have provided this supplement to the Common Application School Report to give secondary schools the opportunity to offer further information about their students. You may have already provided this information in your report; we are happy to accept letters or photocopied reports and ask only that you staple them to this form. We recognize that not all parts of this form apply equally to all schools, and we understand that many counselors face extraordinarily demanding workloads. We are extremely grateful for your help in assisting students in the transition from secondary school to college.”</p>

<p>it wouldn’t be a bad idea to fill it out and send it in… but if whatever is on that sheet has a;ready been answered in the regular application, then the Part II is not necessary… it can’t hurt to fill it out, but it’s not required</p>

<p>that said, i’m going to have it filled out because i think it can help, but it’s not a required document</p>

<p>Just called the admissions office - the person I talked to said it was required.</p>

<p>Weird… My harvard app status doesn’t say so - I submitted common app’s teacher forms</p>