School suggestions for me?

<p>Hey guys, I'm a junior in HS, and I'm looking for a few college suggestions. I want to major in either journalism/something english related, or sports marketing.</p>

<p>Hispanic male from a public school in NY state.</p>

<p>GPA- 88 uw approx.
PSAT: Got a 1650 on all 3 areas, but I felt like crap during the test and I will do a lot of preparation before the real SAT's. I'm predicting my real SAT's to be between 1850 and 2050.
ACT: taking next month</p>

<p>Freshman and Sophomore years: 6 honors combined
Junior year clases:
- AP Humanities USH
- AP Humanities English
Senior year clases:
- IB Spanish
- IB English</p>

<p>IB Certificate candidate
Freshman Baseball
Indoor Track
JV Volleyball
Guitar lessons- 4 years
Madden Club
Olde English F Award
Gifted and Talented
Spanish NHS
Whose who in America
National Honors Society
Camp College Prep
Volunteer @ Empire State Games
Little League Baseball Ump
Work at Buffalo Bills training camp
Editor of school newspaper
Internship @ city newspaper
150+ community service hours
Marketing lessons for Minor League baseball organization
I am also going to Peru this summer to teach English and do other community stuff</p>

<p><em>looking at UMCP, Penn State, Bucknell, Boston U, and...</em></p>


<p>anyone, anyone?</p>

<p>Take your SATs, then repost.</p>