School-To-School Transfer Status Question

<p>I just got accepted into Rutgers Business School (NB) after applying for a School to School transfer. </p>

<p>After accepting the offer, when I log-in to the School to School Transfer website, it just shows me "Status: Admit Coming". I was wondering if this is normal, since when I check MyRutgers profile, it still says I am affiliated with the School of Arts and Sciences.</p>

<p>I was wondering if there will be any additional confirmations of being part of Rutgers Business School (NB).</p>

<p>Yes, that’s normal! I’m a School to School transfer as well and it says the same for me. According to the email: “If you choose to accept your admission to __, please note that your transfer will NOT be instantaneous. Your school code and Degree Navigator will not be updated for a minimum of two weeks. However, this will not affect your ability to register for courses on time.”</p>

<p>Thanks for the reply! I never got that email. Has yours changed yet under your MyRutgers? Or anywhere else?</p>

<p>VBC I thought you were doing science?</p>

<p>@VBC - No problem! They still haven’t changed it yet for me.</p>