School with both best Film and Poli-Sci programs

<p>There is a pre-existing thread on this subject from 2010, and I could use more updated input and with a different angle.
I think that poster wanted to be a lawyer and has misgivings on film.
I'm looking at this from more of an activism/documentarian standpoint.
I'm relatively open to colleges outside the US, if that's the magic formula.
Schools where film is more of a hobby-study, and less of a filmmaking education isn't what I'm looking for.
I'm not particularly looking for a 'film school', but I'd probably major in film and minor is poli-sci before the opposite.
Thanks! </p>

<p>What sort of academic chops do you have, or expect to have? Alex Gibney, widely considered a top documentarian, went to Yale as an undergraduate, followed by UCLA Film School. If you aren’t a likely candidate for a top academic college, then you probably should look more at strong Media/Communications programs than undergraduate BFA schools. It is very difficult to double-major, and often even to minor, in an academic field like Poli. Sci. if you’re in a BFA program. Temple has a pretty good Film & Media Arts department, and you could take some general Poli. Sci. classes. It does not require a portfolio submission. Once you can offer a few more specifics, we can probably offer you additional suggestions. I mentioned Temple because it is in a major urban area, with lots of internship opportunities (and lots of issues worth documenting), but is not as selective as some other schools might be. If you do have the qualifications for Northwestern, et al, then you can look at more competitive schools. </p>

<p>I’m utterly chopless, and I imagine I’d have to get an associates minimum before applying to so much as a party school. I have very little insight into how going to school late (not directly out of high school) effects desirability, nor could I venture to access what kind of student I might be after a long absence from hardly being one to begin with. While I was perhaps blessed with some smidgeon of innate intelligence, I have next to no education. Honestly, because of where my interests lie and my general financial lack, college held little appeal for me overall. As far as my academic potential is concerned, all I can testify to is that I’m largely right-brained in what I process well. Example: despite Dyslexia, I was taking A.P. English while repeating Algebra. I’m just trying to investigate more effectual avenues to activism- having wanted to work in film, potentially to make documentaries, I thought supplementing my minimal knowledge of political intricacies might behoove those goals. I’m not sure about travelling so far for a community college, but I’m from Florida, so our CC’s are not exactly elite…
Thank you for your help thus far! </p>

<p>I don’t know what your family can afford, but if your finances are pretty good, look into Columbia College Chicago or Evergreen State, in Olympia, WA. They both have open admission. I am going to send you an additional private message. </p>

<p>Thanks- so very much.
Also, my family has a little money, but I would be less surprised by a frozen hell than them offering to supplement my education. Financial aid? </p>