<p>i recently heard that some schools - such as stanford - do not read resumes attached under "additional information." this may become a slight problem for me, because for a few activities, i was unable to list any of the awards earned because i had to use up all of the space for positions held. are there any suggestions to get around this situation?</p>
<p>Include it in the additional info section.</p>
<p>Stanford still won’t look at it just FYI</p>
<p>Edit. Put only your most important positions/awards. Don’t list everything.</p>
<p>Stanford is annoying with that. Some things need resumes to describe them, though most of the time they are redundant.</p>
<p>I agree, it’s annoying, but there’s nothing you can do about it. it’s a level playing field anyhow. I attached a 1-page resume anyways</p>
<p>thanks for the responses. i guess i’ll just try to be as descriptive as possible in my common app, but still attach a resume for the colleges that DO read resumes (since i cant change the app after i submit it).</p>
<p>does that sound good?</p>