Schools that are similar to TCU but easier to get into

<p>Or, another way of asking this is: What are your safety schools?</p>

<p>Let's say you really love TCU, but you're not sure you will be admitted. Where would you apply?</p>

<p>I’m also applying at Baylor University and Ohio State, but only because they have my intended major and they are well reputated schools. Not really ‘safety’ schools but I don’t want to go to a lesser known public college. Confident I’ll transfer to TCU though! #1</p>

<p>Hmmm… I’d say SMU, Clemson, Baylor and Tulane are all similar to TCU, and probably easier to get into since TCU has become so popular over the last year or two. TCU was the second most selective school in the entire state of Texas last year, only behind Rice University. University of Miami, USC, Chapel Hill and Vanderbilt remain harder to get into – and are similar to TCU in feel, community and opportunity.</p>

<p>SMU is much harder to get in to than TCU. Baylor would be a good choice.</p>

<p>Baylor and Clemson are two that I applied to and also got accepted to. Clemson has a much bigger party scene though, its all about your priorities.</p>

<p>No, SMU is no longer much more selective than TCU. Of course, colleges within each university may vary: SMU’s Business School is a tough one, but all in all, they are very very similar in what they are looking for in students: GPA, test scores, community service, school participation. </p>

<p>Baylor and Clemson are similar to TCU in school spirit and sports! Everyone goes to every game! Lots of RAH RAH at all three!</p>

<p>SMU is not nearly as close to being as selective as TCU</p>