Schools that are still accepting nursing applications?

<p>Hey there! I'm a senior, and I've already applied to a few schools-got into one with money, but I'm looking to apply to a few more. </p>

<p>The issue is a lot of schools require that nursing students apply EA, and the time has come and passed. So I'm looking for a few schools that will still look at my application. </p>

<p>Here are my stats: </p>

<p>GPA: 3.3 UW, 3.6 W (High honors/AP classes)
SAT: 2040
ECs: Newspaper (9-10) SADD (10-11) Poetry Club (11-12), 32 hour a week job
Honors: National Honor Society, French National Honor Society, History National Honor Society, National Merit Semifinalist</p>

<p>I've applied to:</p>

UMASS Amherst
Colby-Sawywer (in with 84,000 scholarship, denied from nursing program)
Northeastern (deferred)
Saint Anselm (IN! With money).</p>

<p>I appreciate any help you could give me! Thanks!</p>

<p>Yes, nursing applicants should apply as early as possible. </p>

<h2>Last year, Misericordia U. outside of Wilkes-Barre PA was still accepting BSN applications at this time. It has a pleasant campus in a small town, and has a newly renovated health care education building. They also offer merit aid. The U. has a high percentage of students in health care fields.</h2>

<p>For other programs, I’d generally look at some of the less competitive private universities. Many are seeing decreases in overall enrollment.</p>

<p>From what I saw in PA, the public colleges seemed to have earlier cutoffs for nursing applications than the private colleges.</p>

<p>Marymount University VA
( near DC )</p>

<p>Is it too far away for you?
Scholarship deadline is Feb 1st
Admin is rolling
Small private Catholic University near DC area.
It is a direct entry nursing program & has a honor program.</p>

<p>My D has not yet submit her application because she is still thinking about it</p>

<p>Also check desales university and Catholic university of America</p>

<p>Moravian College in Bethlehem PA is still advertising for applicants for their BSN and other nursing programs. They run it in partnership with St. Luke’s Hospital School of Nursing.</p>

<p>Thanks so much! I’ve added Catholic and Drexel to my list, and I’ll look into the others</p>

<p>Hi Dessie,
Quinnipiac and UNH are possibilities (they suggest earlier dates for nursing applicants, but they aren’t definite).</p>

<p>Regis has rolling admissions.</p>

<p>URI has a 2/1 deadline, Salve Regina has a 2/1 deadline, Worcester State has a 1/15 deadline and Fitchburg State has a 1/1 deadline.</p>

<p>Have you followed up with Colby-Sawyer indicating your interest?</p>

<p>Add UMass Dartmouth and MCPHS with 2/1 deadlines.</p>

<p>I’m not that upset about Colby-Sawyer; I liked Saint A’s better, but I also want to cast the net out a bit farther. I’m still waiting on my top choice (UMASS Amherst) so there’s a bit of hope there</p>

<p>Dessie411 Congrats on UMASS Amherst!..Can you tell me why UMASS Amherst is number 1 on your list compared to the other schools you applied. I can tell you this the Sim lab and classrooms were very nice…did you see them?</p>

<p>I did, and they were beautiful, collegetiger, but that’s really only a small part of why I’m so attached to UMASS. </p>

<p>I stepped on the campus and it just felt like home, you know? I was completely comfortable, like I knew exactly what I was doing. As I toured the school I just kept seeing better and better things-the dorms, the nursing labs, the library (that’s a big one, that library speaks to my soul). And it’s just so active out there. Sure, it’s a town in the boonies, but there are thousands of people in this one school. It pretty much buzzes with energy.</p>

<p>Networking opportunities should be plenty, so that’s pretty great; the only problem is the sights for clinically. Do I wish there were more opportunities to work in pediatrics (my desired speciality)? Yes. But when I think about other schools (Saint Anselm, Simmons, even the illustrious Northeastern), I don’t feel the same excitement as I do for UMASS.</p>

<p>Those are all great schools, I’m not knocking them, but UMASS feels like my school.</p>

<p>Good for you! Amherst is a great town. As for missing out on the clinicals you might have a chance to get to Boston. I was told from the staff that some students went to the boston area and got a hotel over night between shifts, then went back home or etc and then came back to campus on thurs and friday for classes. Good luck!</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>Salem State is another MA state school</p>

<p>Thanks, but I’ve already committed to UMASS!</p>