<p>hi im kaeti and im from connecticut. Im a junior at a public high school as well as a science vocational school. I really need help on what school to apply to. pleasee(: here are my stats:</p>
<p>GPA unweighted: 3.9
Top 11%
Have taken 13 honors courses, one dual enrollment at UConn, and 6 College Prep classes most are As and 2 B- and a few Bs.</p>
<p>SAT: aiming for an 1800 or above taking in june.</p>
<p>Senior Classes:
AP Latin
AP Euro
Calc CP or Pre Calc CP depends if i take a summer course.
Philo Honors</p>
<p>Biotechnology honors
Physics honors
UConn Chemistry
UConn Oceanography</p>
<p>After School Activities:
Swim Team participant and manager
Softball team manager
wrestling manager
FFA secretary and hoping president
Leadership program
Multicultural program
Mission trips</p>
<p>400+ hours of community service.</p>
<p>Reach schools:
Adelphi University
Trinity College
Providence College
Boston University</p>
<p>Match Schools:
Dickinson College
Hampshire College
U Mass Amherst
University of New Hampshire
CUNY Lehman College
SUNY Binghamton
Temple University
Wheaton College</p>
<p>Safety Schools:
Rhode Island College
Hobart and William Smith College
Wagner College</p>
<p>so which schools should i apply too and what other schools do you have in mind? i like either small colleges or medium but boston is an exception aha I want to major in anthropology and it cant be out of the northeast!! </p>
<p>Please help me?!?!(:</p>
<p>ps. im white and am a first generation.</p>