Schools to consider for D25 (psych, 4.0UW, >2k students, no/low Greek social scene)

Thanks so much for tagging me. You may be feeling stressed and overwhelmed, but I think you’ve come up with a very thoughtful list of schools for your D to consider. I would probably separate them into buckets for likeliest schools for acceptance to least likely and give her the bucket of likeliest schools to start researching and considering first.

With 13% in sororities and 14% in fraternities, I don’t think that Emory would be too Greek.

Have you seen this thread? Colleges with dance for non-majors Looking at your list, you probably did, but if not, I thought I’d mention it.

In terms of finding strong psychology departments, I do think they tend to be bread-and-butter staples across most universities. You may want to look at which schools are producing the most doctoral students in psychology, and you can limit it by state, type of college (liberal arts college, master’s, doctoral, etc), religious college, etc. So I’d limit the field to psychology and also select the timespan that you most favor (I usually use 2000-2018…the latest year this data set has): Baccalaureate origins of doctoral recipients

Connecticut College is one I didn’t see on your list but that you might want to give her for consideration. If she’s interested in staying out west, Lewis & Clark might be another option to suggest. Trinity U. in San Antonio might be another possibility.

Will keep my thinking cap on.