Schools with good STEM programs plus active ballet clubs?

That’s been my understanding too. I’m midwestern enough though that the idea of paying $344K for an undergraduate degree causes me serious heartburn.



@bioart colleges in most cities are going to have ballet studios. I would suggest that you ask your student’s current ballet teacher(s) if they have any suggestions.

Yes, we’ve done that. They are aware of the schools that focus specifically on ballet, which isn’t what we are really interested in bc D intends to study engineering but wants to continue dancing ballet simply bc she loves it (in the schools we are most familiar with, if they have a strong, degree granting ballet program, they tend to not have room in performances for non-majors). Not sure I’d agree w/your point that schools in most cities will have ballet studios, or even nearby within reasonable distance. Programs with advanced ballet or strong “ballet clubs”, rather than say modern dance, are relatively rare.

I’m talking about private dance companies or studios…not anything school related. In Boston, for example, there are a number of ballet schools that do periodic productions where one can pay to take classes and audition for roles. Same in NY.

For those suggesting dancing with a non-affiliated school off campus just be aware that probably adds thousands of dollars a year. Much better to find a college that will allow the student to dance as part of the tuition they’re already paying.


I totally agree. But if there isn’t that option…and the family can afford it, private studios could help. In addition to costs, there is the time commitment factor to be considered.

I think the advice here is for a young woman? The situation if often different for a young male college student. There are fewer experienced and talented young men and often time they can dance for and perform! For free with local schools. I know that our school does this because they don’t produce enough polished boys or physically mature young men who can partner appropriately. So, if young male is reading this, you might find working with a local school is a valuable. They often pick up teaching occasionally.


Smith College in Massachusetts has great STEM programs, ABET-accredited Engineering, dance major that can double with STEM, dance minor, 5 levels of ballet classes plus contemporary and various others, lots of performance opportunities at Smith and across the Five College Dance program (classes, student thesis shows, faculty choreo shows, grad student choreo shows, guest artist programs, musical theater, all open to non-majors), and a very active student-run dance company. Mt. Holyoke offers most of the same, except the accredited engineering program.

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