<p>Hi everyone! I'm a High School senior from a public high school in California. Im looking at a whole bunch of schools to apply to (UC and private) but because my family is upper middle class (but we have 4 kids and really cant afford a private) the need based financial aid we would get is not enough to make private schools affordable. Does anyone know of descent schools that would probably offer me academic merit scholarships or full rides? </p>
<p>My Stats:) (dont you just love the way college admissions makes us classify ourselves?):
SAT superscore: 2210 (Reading 750, Math 740, Writing 720)
ACT: 34
AP Euro, AP US, AP Physics: All 5's
SAT Subject tests: Math 2: 760, Physics: 780, US History: 790
Unweighted GPA 4.0, Weighted 4.6
IB full diploma candidate
Extracurriculars: started a community service club, Secretary General of my school's MUN program, probably president of Academic Decathlon team, and I lived in South Africa for 3 years (grade 7 to 10) </p>
<p>Thanks so much!</p>
<p>Auburn has amazing merit scholarships, especially for OOS students! </p>
<p>[Office</a> of University Scholarships - Academic Scholarships](<a href=“http://www.auburn.edu/scholarship/academic-scholarships.html]Office”>http://www.auburn.edu/scholarship/academic-scholarships.html)</p>
<p>Check out the presidential scholarships, I’m pretty sure you can get one of those. (: Hope I helped!</p>
<p>Thanks so much! thats exactly the kind of stuff Im trying to find:D</p>
<p>haha you’re welcome! i’m legacy there, so i hope i helped 
i also heard UofA gives good ones. a lot of schools do, actually! just search collegename merit scholarships. :D</p>
<p>Bama would give you full tuition and maybe more…</p>
<p>What is your likely major?</p>
<p>mom2collegekids: thanks:) ummmmm yeah thats a problem, Im really not sure yet. I love science, so maybe physics, biology or engineering, but then I love humanities too, so also maybe english or history… so I’m really undecided.</p>
<p>What do you see yourself doing as a career?</p>
<p>My son is a Chem Engineering major, but he’s also pre-med. He felt like Chem E gave him options. If he were to decide that he didn’t want to be a doctor, he’d have a degree in something else that he likes.</p>