Schools within my reach?

<p>Hi. I'm a junior going to a NJ public school. I'm looking at schools in or around the mid-atlantic, but I wouldn't cross out any schools beyond that area, I just think that if I were to go far it would really have to be worth it, both financially and academically. </p>

<p>I had an 88-89 GPA the end of my sophomore year, I'll get the numbers for my junior year in a few months. My SATs are decent 1240/1840 (670 CR, 570 M, 600 W).</p>

<p>I've visited Temple which is supposed to have a very good Journalism program, but I didn't get a lot of information about it when I was there. Is it really that good? Does it offer a lot of opportunities? Does it have a good reputation? </p>

<p>I also saw UConn and liked it a lot but I wasn't sure about the amount of internship opportunities it would have to offer since it's essentially in the middle of nowhere.</p>

<p>I'll also apply to American and Syracuse as reaches, but I'm certainly not counting on getting in there and even if I did, I doubt I would be able to pay for it.</p>

<p>And, I'll apply to some state schools (Rutgers, Ramapo, TCNJ) for the in-state tuition. Is Rutgers any good for Journalism? </p>

<p>Would it be worth it go to Missouri? Do I have a chance at getting in?</p>

<p>What other good journalism schools could I get into? I'm looking for a school on the larger side but would be open to smaller schools as well.</p>

SADD - 2 years
Newspaper - 3 years (very selective, hold page editor position and hopefully editor-in-chief next year)
Homework Help Center volunteer program- around 30 service hours for this year, will probably participate again next year and get another 30, and definitely do some additional community service in the mean time. This is a selective program as well.
Over the summer I will be volunteering at my local assemblyman's office, so I'm hoping that will set me apart a little bit.</p>

<p>Any advice offered would be greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>although I’m not really sure if will pursue journalism as a major, much less a minor in college, I do know that I was accepted to american and know many people that had been accepted to Syracuse with similar stats to your own, so as long as you display a strong interest in each school, im sure you may very well get in. </p>

<p>Other schools worth noting would be George Washington University (very good, but very expensive) and university of maryland</p>

<p>Syracuse is one of the best journalism programs out there.
Columbia also has an amazing program.</p>

<p>I really love Mizzou, it has a fantastic program (I visited there and considered going there). The school is GIGANTIC, it’s literally the whole city, haha. But, it’s in the middle of nowhere. It’s an hour or two drive to St. Louis. That was sort of a deal breaker for me.</p>

<p>Look at Indiana University in Bloomington. It is one of the best journalism schools in the country and has arguably the best college paper in the country. Unlike Mizzou, IU has other incredible academic programs, which you can use for second majors, concentrations and minors, as well as in the rare event that you don’t want to pursue journalism anymore. At Mizzou, nothing but journalism is very well-known. You will definitely get into the university and, based on automatic scholarships, they would offer you $4,000 per year right off the bat. You also would probably have a shot at getting in the journalism honors program, which has a lot of really great advantages, including some scholarship money.</p>

<p>Bloomington is pretty good.
I’d definitely recommend it for your college list.</p>

<p>Syracuse is amazing but you’ll need to get that GPA up! Good luck!</p>