
<p>i have a 4.2 weighted cumulative gpa. it sucks, because i had rocky freshman/first semester sophomore grades (mostly B's 9th..mostly A's first semester 10th w/ one C in my worst subject.. then extremely high straight A's for the rest of my high school career) i was capable of way more, but i always tended to slack. i'm not looking into ivy leagues...I'm not the competition finalist type. i'm quiet and spend most of my time alone, writing and playing the piano. i just want to get out of the state that i'm in and go to new england. it can be a public school, that's fine with me. I need a school that i can afford...</p>

<p>anyone know of some decent public/private universities in new england under $17k? i can't afford the $25,000-$40,000 dollar schools and my parents don't want to sign the loans. i dont want cut-throat competition either. 40% acceptance rate+ and not expensive. </p>

<p>I have pretty cool ECs, 6 APs and over 10 honors courses from 9th-12th</p>

<p>anyone have any ideas? thanks</p>

<p>ps: dont judge my writing on here..i'm using my iphone and the keyboard is a pain in the ass..</p>



<p>A 4.2 is very, very bad. Stop looking at colleges all together, unless you want to go to a local community college. Other than that you don’t really have many options because a 4.2 does truly suck.</p>

<p>what a …
4.2? isnt 4.00 in US max? what means cumulative and weightned?</p>

<p>^Some schools add extra weighting for Honors and AP courses when calculating GPA (used to determine class rank). For example, my school adds .5 to each Honors class and 1.0 to each AP, so an A in a normal class will be a 4, an A in an honors class will be a 4.5, and an A in an AP class will be a 5. I assume by cumulative he just means that ALL of the grades (that are used when calculating GPA) are used to calculate one final, cumulative GPA.</p>

<p>@OP, the reason he’s perplexed is that most colleges use unweighted GPA in the admissions process to get rid of grade inflation.</p>

<p>I found stonybrook. is that a good school?</p>

<p>No, you only have a 4.2. That’s only probably top 10% in your high school, look lower.</p>

<p>^ cant tell if ■■■■■, or actually sincere</p>

<p>I am *** completely*** serious</p>

<p>Here is a list of the cheapest schools in Massachusetts (by total cost):
[Cheapest</a> Colleges in Massachusetts (MA) (Total Cost, Out of State) | College](<a href=“]Cheapest”></p>

<p>You can do the same for other states in New England.</p>

<p>Thanks, and I’m not a ■■■■■</p>