Schreyer Decisions

<p>It says we're not supposed to hear back from Schreyer until late February, but does anyone know exactly when?</p>

<p>I don't think there's a thread for this, so I hoped everyone could just post once they hear back...hopefully it's within the next week!</p>

<p>Also, how important are SAT scores in comparison to GPA/ECs/Classes taken?</p>

<p>SHC does no consider SAT scores in their decisions. </p>

<p>I heard back 2/28 of last year, about the same time everyone else was.</p>

<p>Gahh I wish it was earlier, because I’ll actually be at PSU Feb 26-28 for the women in engineering overnight. So when my parents come pick me up the morning of the 28th they’ll have to bring me my letter… that would suck so bad to get rejected while I’m up there hahah</p>

<p>I’ll be at PSU the 27-29…planning on attending one of the Accepted Students sessions. It’s also supposed to be a great weekend on campus, so I’m definitely looking forward to that!</p>

<p>Cwryan1, are you a current student?</p>

<p>Yes I am. Second semester freshmen scholar.</p>

<p>Any thoughts/words of wisdom?</p>

<p>Okay so I e-mailed the Schreyer people and they said admissions decisions will not be mailed out until Feb. 27…guess we still have another 2 weeks to wait :(</p>

<p>Where did everyone else apply?</p>

<p>Hehe… nowhere. I was obsessed with Cornell and UPenn for a while, but then I realized that I wasn’t cut out for being all ‘Ivy League’ :stuck_out_tongue: It’s 100% Penn State for me. Haha, a year ago, I never would have imagined that someday I would say that. But now I am super super excited.</p>

<p>I was dead set on cornell until I get the first semester bill.</p>

<p>PSU is so much more affordable, especially with the SHC. It also brings in some nice prestige as well.</p>

<p>I’m so nervous to find out…especially since I’ve read so much about it being as difficult to get into as an Ivy…I didn’t apply to any of those haha.</p>

<p>I feel like my GPA/test scores are so borderline, but I put a lot of thought and effort into my essays, so I really hope they take them into consideration :/</p>

<p>Don’t dwell too much on test scores lp1391, they don’t look at them. They do take into account your GPA, but good essays, good teacher recs, and extra curriculars are far more important. Good luck! =)</p>

<p>sandmitch: I think I saw you on Facebook. :)</p>

<p>HAHA seriously? oh god. Are you one of the PSU '13ers or can you identify my typing or what? (;</p>

<p>I’m one of them, and I was the one who replied laughing at your post about turning down Cornell and UPenn. But I think you deleted that post.</p>

<p>Hahahah sweet. I don’t remember intentionally deleting anything but that’s still funny. I’m glad I’m not the only one on these forums, too. It’s a small world–er, internet? (:</p>

<p>Oh really? Hmm, when I looked back your post was gone. Oh well. :)</p>

<p>Anyone hear anything</p>

<p>As it has been said quite a few times, Schreyer isn’t releasing anything until at least February 27.</p>

<p>two weeks??? snail mail is NOT that slow! i would think many of us will have our letters by mon and tues, those of us who live in PA anyway</p>