Schurz vs. Mark Twain

<p>I think I want to live in a Journalism Honors FIG in either Mark Twain or Schurz. Any first hand thoughts or experiences with either of the halls??</p>

<p>You don’t want to live in the Journalism FIG. Mark Twain is completely castrated from te rest of campus. I have no idea where Schurz is.</p>

<p>My D lived in Twain and had many good friends in Schurz. Akhman is right, Twain is separated from most of the other dorms, but D loved it there. She moved Soph. year to another dorm and was not as happy there. Her friends all had a very positive experience in the other Journalism dorm as well and she spent a lot of time visiting there. I don’t think you can go wrong at either if you want a J-FIG. Good luck!</p>