<p>I've read that ERC has the nicest dorms, dining halls, and a great ocean view so I'm interested in going there. And I dont mind having a slightly harder GE than Muir. But it seems that Roosevelt college focuses on humanities and social sciences... so is majoring in a science area (chem, bio, or physics) in ERC a good idea? I'm worried if they wont offer the same kinds of science class that, say, Revelle, will offer because I heard they offered "fun" classes such as codebreakers and stuff, so theres a chance they might drop off the harder ones to make room for these easier ones.</p>
<p>And if I go to ERC as a science major, will the GEs be way too difficult? I mean, I dont mind working hard, just not overboard like how I hear some Revellians are working =P.</p>
<p>Also, reputation-wise, when I apply to a graduate school, will the reputation of ERC having a weaker science-field than in Revelle hurt me?</p>
<p>graduate schools don’t care which college you’re from. </p>
<p>i used to hear so much about how “revelle is so well known etc” but once i actually landed grad school interviews, it was already a selling point that i came from UCSD, they could’ve cared less what my college philosophy and GEs were.</p>
<p>i arrived at my current graduate program with three other UCSD students – one muir, one sixth, one ERC. doesn’t matter in the slightest. :)</p>
<p>Awesome, thanks for the quick reply. I guess that answers most of my questions, heh. Hopefully the GEs for ERC wont be drastically higher than in Muir for a science major student!</p>
<p>I’m a Electrical Engineer major and am in ERC. ERC has a reputation of having hard GE’s mainly because of the MMW series which is really writing and history intensive, but I actually find it interesting. It is hard, but it is not impossible to get an A, like other classes you might be taking as a science major; you just have to be on top of everything. I find MMW really interesting, it definitely will make any science/engineering majors a much more well rounded student, which other colleges(except Revelle) may not accomplish(I could be wrong, it’s just my opinion).
I could be speaking too early since I’m just a freshmen in my first quarter. If you want to become a better writer and more globally aware, then I definitely recommend the college.
All the added amenities, such as dorms, Cafe V., RIMAC are all just bonuses. :)</p>
<p>I LOVE erc, and actually most of my suitemates are science majors. Don’t worry about being able to take hard classes, you take classes in all colleges with students from different colleges. ERC will just have more required ones. I mean, I am taking a dumb math class to fulfill my requirement, while my roommate is taking actual calculus instead. It isn’t that big of a deal, and our dorms are SO worth it!</p>
<p>If I go to UCSD, then you can expect to see me in ERC then xD. See you guys there, hopefully. Go ERC!</p>
<p>And eric, I agree with you that the MMW can be very interesting. Although I dont intend to major in international relations, learning about other countries and cultures, especially outside of europe, can be fascinating.</p>