Science majors?

<p>Hi, I'm currently taking Intro. to Computer Science, Honors Pre-Cal and AP Bio. I'm a senior in high school and had taken Physics, Chemistry and Algebra 2. I seriously don't know what should I major in, and I'm really good in Science but I suck at Math. My school choices are all Cal State Universities. And my gpa is 3.1 (UC/CSU a-g weighted). Help me? :)</p>

<p>Are you trying to figure out which CSU you can get into?</p>

<p>Be sure to read general CSU information here:</p>

<p>[CSUMentor</a> - Plan for College - High School Students - Freshman Admission Requirements Overview](<a href=“Cal State Apply | CSU”>Cal State Apply | CSU)</p>

<p>You can see what majors at which campuses are impacted and have higher admissions standards than others:</p>

<p>[Impaction</a> | Student Academic Support | CSU](<a href=“]Impaction”></p>

<p>San Jose State is more transparent than others; it posts the previous year admission standards on its web site:</p>

<p>[SJSU</a> Admission](<a href=“]SJSU”></p>

<p>As far as majors go, biology requires less math than other sciences like math, statistics, computer science, and physics, but biology also has poor job and career prospects at the bachelor’s degree level compared to most of the math-heavy sciences.</p>

<p>Thank you! :)</p>

<p>I’m not going to comment on the other sciences, but physics would probably not be the best option if math is not a strength for you.</p>

<p>It’s weird how I still got good grades from my Physics class, but opposite in my Math class. ugh. Thanks!</p>



<p>As a senior physics major, I’d say your ability to do well in upper division courses is more correlated on your math grades than you physics.
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