Science Review

<p>... And not in the MCAT sense. Yet.</p>

<p>I'm considering the possibility of pre-med, so it would make sense to start looking into some science courses. However, I took biology as a freshman in high school, and even my sophomore and junior chemistry classes seem to have been a long time ago. I definitely want a refresher on the basics in these areas before I jump into any kind of college Life Sci class, but I'm jumping on the bandwagon late (I'll be a college sophomore this fall, which is pretty much my first opportunity to start chipping away at the premed requirements), so I want to avoid taking refresher classes that I don't have to.</p>

<p>Long story short: What's the best way to review high school science material? I thought about getting AP test prep books, but they usually waste a lot of space with test-taking tips (for good reason), which isn't what I need. I thought about taking a refresher course at my local community college over the summer, but alas, they only have underwater basket weaving between June and August. The summer online course schedule for my university isn't much better. Can anyone recommend a book or program that might help?</p>

<p>I wouldn’t worry about it. I didn’t take bio in high school and I’m doing fine in my Principles of Bio classes. Last semester I got a higher grade than a lot of people who had 5s in AP Bio. Just make time to study as much as you need to. If you really need a book to review, I’d suggest using whatever textbook the class is going to use.</p>

<p>I didn’t have very good chem/bio background before taking the courses in college, and it was fine. General Bio and Chem are intro level classes, you should be fine as long as you’re willing to put in the time. I don’t think a refresher would be much help, especially in bio where you’re essentially memorizing facts and then promptly forgetting them :D</p>