<p>As the SCEA response date draws closer, the more I'm thinking about what the decision will be. (Aren't we all?) Anyway, I know that Yale compares your application to those of the same "region" as you, but what exactly constitutes a "region"? Is it your specific school, the schools in your county, all of the schools in your state, or what? I hope that someone can clarify this for me just because I am wondering :)</p>
<p>In my letter regarding the Eli account, it said that my region was 03A/CA or something to that effect.</p>
<p>Yeah, for me it says I'm in the admissions area 03B/CA. Heh, looks like I'm not competing against QuixoticRick (which is probably a good thing)</p>
<p>There are probably multiple definitions of what constitutes a "region" in their eyes - what it really may be is a set of considerations that enables the admissions committee to choose the most diverse and talented entering class possible. That may include hundreds of factors -- geography (nationally, state-wise, regionally and locally) and school district probably being among them, but not necessarily the most important ones. Yale takes admissions very seriously, so I have a feeling that it is more complicated than you might imagine.</p>