Score Choice - when?

<p>Hello. Does anyone know when <em>exactly</em> Score Choice will officially launch? The Collegeboard website says Score Choice will be first implemented for the March 2009 test, but that's ambiguous - does it mean April 2, when the March 2009 test results are released, or March 1, 2009, or March 14, 2009, the day of the March test? This is for the benefit of those who have already completed their testing before March 2009 and are sending scores early.</p>

<p>I also have a question about score choice reporting - if I do the SAT IIs in May 2009, can I choose to send the May SAT II scores and a SAT I score from Jan 09? Or do I have to do a SAT I test to be able to choose to send previous SAT I scores? </p>

<p>I also have a more general question, when CB sends score reports - are the SAT I and SAT II scores separated - do they make up 1 or 2 test reports - I’m asking from a payment point of view. Sorry if these are stupid questions, but I’m an intl student and am new to all these score report business.</p>

<p>Thanks :)</p>

<p>Can anyone please calrify our above questions? I know that Yale and UPenn have decided to override score-choice and ask all applicants to send in ALL scores - but how would they know they you’ve sent in all your scores i.e. would your score report say that all scores are reported or indicate that the applicant chose to use score choice? Or do Yale/Upenn just trust you when you say those are all my scores? It sounds very dodgy to me and seems to be lots of loopholes…? Really hope someone can clarify my previous questions too :S</p>