Score Choice

<p>how do colleges that opt out on score choice (im specifically interested in UPenn, since im going to be applying ED to wharton) know whether you send ALL of your scores or not? What if i use score choice and send only my best score. Do they have any way of finding out that i used score choice?</p>


<p>could someone explain score choice too me? and the difference between that and superscore?</p>

<p>does nobody know???</p>

<p>I’m sure that the colleges can just tell CB to automatically send them all.</p>

<p>Yea…scorechoice isn’t that good because colleges can just force CB to send all your scores. And superscore is when colleges take the best scores you received on individual sections from different sat’s and “superscore” your score. However, for this to happen colleges have to see all your scores which isn’t possible with scorechoice.</p>

<p>But CB cant send anything without your permission…so…???I mean, if CB really wants score choice, are they just going to comply to the schools that dont honor it?</p>

<p>It’s Colleges over CB. If the college you are applying to demands you send all your scores, you have no choice. It doesn’t matter what CB’s policy is, it all comes down to what the colleges want.</p>