<p>i can't believe that they would be that incompetent...</p>
<p>You can't? It's the college board. Of course they're incompetent.</p>
<p>I will still check on the 22nd and 23rd, just in case they screw up. :)</p>
<p>I'll probably be checking everyday between then and the 31st...</p>
<p>Yes, see, I would never lie to you guys.</p>
<p>the sucky college board...urgh..cannot even get the date right...leaves me wondering if they ever have score mix ups??? it would be nice if someone gave me their 2400.</p>
<p>the scores may be delayed but it's their way oftrying to make sure that what happened with the October SAT won't happen again. They may seem "incompetent" but it's actually the right thing to do.</p>
<p>Don't get me wrong: I hate having to wait so long; but i'm making the best out of a bad situation.</p>
<p>You never know. They might read the date wrong again and put up the scores early.</p>
<p>They should give us the sorces as they usually do and then regrade them so that we have an approximation. so we dont have to wait.</p>
<p>I agree! They should do it that way.</p>
<p>thats a good idea.</p>
<p>And so the wait begins.....again</p>
<p>I was looking at the poster that theyh gave to my school that has the school code on it and it says the scores will be sent out on the 22nd. HOWEVER I'm guessing thats when they sent them out last year and this year its a week later...</p>
<p>it's pretty obvious that the scores won't be out until the 31st.</p>
<p>i thin that this is really pointless to say bec. i bet that all of u visited the CB website today (22nd):
The scores are now officially going to be out on the 31st. :( :(</p>
<p>now i would rather kno the scores sooner..this stupid wait is killing me...</p>
<p>this wait is too long!!!</p>
<p>25 days to get the scores back is b.s. Lets get a refund! :) $43 buck for that.</p>
<p>I agree, some sort of discount.</p>
<p>that might help somewhat.</p>