Scores going down...

<p>When I took the Dec ACT I paniced during the test and walked out feeling like I made like a 19 or something equally as horrible. Fortunately I came out with a 30 (still trash : [). This time I felt better on all the parts (freaked out a little during the science) but I have the horrible feeling that my score dropped...
Do scores drop often? Is the feeling you guys have after the test pretty accurate as to what you actually make?
Sorry if this doesn't make a lot of sense but I'm FREAKING OUT</p>

<p>first of all, 30 is not trash by any means. that offends those of use who got less than 30 cold. </p>

<p>secondly, if you did worse it wont be that much worse. and even if it is that much worse, who cares? you don’t have to send it to colleges. just prep more and take it again. don’t freak out.</p>

<p>Since when is a 30 trash? A 30 puts you in the top 4% of everyone that took the test. </p>

<p>The higher you get in the percentile, especially the 30+ range, the more likely you are to drop in score. Don’t sweat it.</p>

<p>A 30 is not trash, but when you are competing at the Ivy League level, that is not going to look too good.</p>

<p>I don’t know why people freak out about their scores. You should be able to accurately gauge how well you did during the test.</p>

<p>And scores drop very often. Especially at the higher score ranges. I have a few friends that scored 30-32 and all their scores either stayed the same or dropped by .25 points when they retook it.</p>