Scrambling here - need ideas!

<p>Okay, so DD’s car was rear ended back on the 6th of April. It took 10 days for the police report to post so we could determine the insurance coverage of the person who hit her. </p>

<p>After visiting the Allstate adjuster, D’s car went to Landmark for repairs and was supposed to be ready yesterday. It wasn’t. They were trying for tomorrow. Not happening. Now I’m told they will try their best to have it ready by the end of next week. </p>

<p>D has to move out of Riverside Saturday morning and get home to Memphis for an internship.</p>

<p>I’ve called Allstate about a rental car - there is very limited coverage from what they say and they won’t cover it traveling out of state. Fine. If we have to bite the bullet and pay we will, but I just checked the Enterprise site and they are sold out of vehicles for the weekend.</p>

<p>If we can’t even find a vehicle, I guess our next best option is to get a last minute storage facility since all of D’s stuff won’t fit in my CRV. I’m worried about finding one of those, too.</p>

<p>Any ideas?</p>

<p>Thanks & Roll Tide!</p>

<p>I just called All-American Self Storage in Tuscaloosa and they have some 10 x 10 climate controlled units available on a month to month basis. Students get a 10% discount. You can reach them at (205) 614-4862. They have multiple locations in T-town.</p>

<p>Would it be possible for D to drive your car and for you to drive a rental truck or van home with her stuff? How would that compare in convenience/cost to rental unit?</p>

<p>Just got off the phone with an Allstate person. It’s amazing how you can talk to three different people and get three different stories. BUT the nice lady was able to get us a reservation at the Enterprise on Mcfarland in Northport. D might actually get to come home with all her stuff :)</p>

<p>Thanks, guys. I feel better.</p>

<p>Malanai - as always you go above & beyond to help. I’m jotting down the All-American info JUST IN CASE. . .</p>


<p>THEIR insurance should be covering the rental car. It was THEIR fault, they rear-ended you. </p>

<p>I don’t understand the delay. Often there isn’t a police report at all. You exchange insurance info at the time of the accident. And, when it’s the other’s fault, your insurance is supposed to go ahead and let you get your car fixed, and then THEY go after the other’s insurance.</p>

<p>we have Allstate as well. And I just went thru this in February with son being rear-ended. We immediately got the car in, Allstate gave authorization with the Ford dealership, and then Allstate filed a subrogation with GMAC (the other person’s insurance).</p>

<p>I would complain to your agent/adjuster that you weren’t advised properly. There shouldn’t have been ANY delay. </p>

<p>At this point, contact the other’s insurance, get authorization for the rental. If they are difficult, then call Allstate and demand that they cover this and file a subrogation.</p>

<p>^^Mom said what I was going to, which is that the rental car coverage on your policy or the other party’s policy is irrelevant because this is a LIABILITY claim. Rental car should be covered.</p>

<p>Of course this thread is a good plug for having a professional insurance agent. Often it costs no more than the do it yourself companies.</p>

<p>I was an insurance producer, and if the other party has accepted responsibility for the accident, then you can deal directly with the other driver’s insurance company. Your insurance company should be able to help you determine which insurance the driver has. If the other insurance company has not assumed responsibility than you will deal with your insurance and will more than likely have to pay the deductible, which will be reimbursed to you after the claim is settled between the insurance companies. If the other party does not have coverage than your uninsured motorist will take care of the claim. You will have to pay your insurance deductible for uninsured motorist. The rental coverage will be covered if the other party assumes responsibility. If your insurance is taking care of the claim, then the rental car coverage on your policy will take care of it. Keep all receipts if you have to pay for the rental car, because if your insurance wins you will be reimbursed. If you are not satisfied with your agent, make sure that you let him know and that you ask to talk with the claim adjustor that is taking care of the claim. Good Luck!</p>

<p>Hello from the 2nd floor of Riverside North!</p>

<p>Thanks for all the info, guys & gals. It was an odd situation for us. When D was hit, she & the other driver exchanged phone numbers & the lady said she might want to pay for the repair rather than going thru insurance. Hmm. D took the car for an estimate the following Monday - it happened on a Friday - and got a $3900 estimate (!) She tried to call the driver but her number was disconnected (!!) We were stuck until the police report was posted so we could determine who the lady had insurance with and if it was even a valid policy. Turns out it was, but it took over a week and my new bff Wanda at the Tuscaloosa police department calling the officer on the scene and hounding him until he turned it all in. THEN we had to go visit an Allstate adjuster and start the process again.<br>
Allstate has been great, the people at Landmark are super nice, but the repair keeps becoming more involved as they discover new things . . . not sure why it is going to take at least 3 weeks though.
Anyway, it’s going to be a lovely night in T-town. we’re thinking Mexican on the strip.<br>
Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Sorry for all of your troubles. (((hugs)))</p>

<p>My husband is in RW cleaning out our D’s room. Wow! Is all he could say. She is working diligently on her CBH program/project.</p>

<p>Have a margarita (or two) for me, timeflew.</p>

<p>I’m glad it worked out for you. I would be very skeptical of anyone in the future who wanted to pay out of pocket instead of reporting an accident to the insurance. We have a friend who agreed to do this following a minor accident (not his fault) and it didn’t have a happy ending at all.</p>

<p>DS will be 2nd floor of Riverside North next year. Keep it clean for him.</p>

<p>Glad it all worked out. Don Rafa’s downtown in Temerson Square is supposed to have pretty good Mexican.</p>

<p>Chardo, my S will be on the 4th floor unless he changes when the housing opens again on Monday. Don’t know why everyone wants to be in Ridgcrest.</p>

<p>I’m with Malanai, it is happy hour, right? I’ll have one of the “fishbowl” margarita’s on the rocks with salt please :)</p>



<p>Yup, 12:28pm HST. Let the weekend begin!</p>

<p>Roll Tide! Here’s hoping for good trip’s home and wonderful summer’s for all :)</p>

<p>Always get the insurance info. </p>

<p>That said, your agent didn’t do the right thing. Even without that info Allstate should have gotten things going right away. Even with the other insurance info it takes time for them to accept responsibility, so your insurance should have approved first.</p>