Scranton Atmosphere

Hi, my family really wants me to go to Scranton, but I feel as though I’d be really unhappy there. I’m from one of the smallest high schools in my county (900 students total) and most can be really judgmental and rude from time to time. I am worried Scranton may have the same atmosphere. NEPA is not known for being the nicest or most accepting place, either. I am worried that if I went there, I would be extremely isolated and want to leave quickly. Is any of this accurate?

I know this is not the point of college, but I had an extremely hard time growing up and had to move schools due to really intense bullying. I still deal with a poor school social climate. I want to make sure that when given the chance to choose where I go to school, I make the right choice.

I can’t speak for Scranton - or any school for that matter - but when I have had discussions with friends about schools, when Scranton’s name comes up, I have heard comments at how the people who go to Scranton are just the nicest people. A friend is an alumni and has gone on to do wonderful things in career and philanthropy and says that the friends from Scranton as just the greatest people. Hope that helps. What other schools did you apply to?