Scratching head over UCs

<p>Hi, I am new to the forums. I just got admitted into UC Berkeley’s College of Natural Resources and into UC Davis Biomedical Engineering. Should I go to Davis since it has the major I want and I don’t have to bother switching, or should I go to Berekeley and hope that I can change colleges and switch my major to Bioengineering and risk getting stuck with a environmental based engineering degree instead? Is it hard to change majors at UCB or should I just put it aside for UCD? Thanks in advance for any replies.</p>

<p>changing majors shouldn't be a problem.</p>

<p>I would advise you find out if Biomedical Engineering is impacted at UCB. If it is impacted I would call the head of the BME department and ask specifically how difficult changing into the BME major is. Either way do your homework before you make such a big decision.</p>

<p>It's impacted. Pretty much everything in the engineering department is impacted, and this year very much so the bio-related engineering majors.</p>

<p>To transfer into BioE at Berkeley:
-Finish at least 2 semesters
-Start on the lower division courses
-Maintain at least a 3.0 GPA
-Fill out an application, which consists of an essay portion</p>

<p>The minimum GPA to apply for a transfer is 3.0, but you can be sure that a 3.0 is not competitive enough for you to get in. You need around a 3.6 or 3.7 to be competitive. There is a lot of competition to get into BioE because the new building is just about finished and the $500 million grant from BP is offering some new courses and research opportunities for undergrads. These research projects usually interest BioE and ChemE undergrads.</p>

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