Screen Acting Major & journalism

<p>Anyone want to discuss this? Is it any good? Is it better than NYU's program. Would it be better to just go to a higher ranked school for journalism, and get acting outside of it? How's the print journalism program? Anyone in it, and how's do these program rate? Does it compare to USC? Thanks!</p>

<p>You have to be a be a film or theatre major to apply for the Screen Acting program at the end of your freshman year so keep that in mind. So you can do English with a concentration in journalism, but you’d have to be a double major either enrolled in theatre or Dodge. Because it’s the only major specifically for film acting, its hard to compare it to other schools. That said, there are some schools like Northwestern and probably USC or NYU that have well known english departments as well as film, but you won’t get the same kind of training just by being in student films. So I guess it comes down to your priorities.</p>

<p>So, you can’t transfer as a junior into this program?</p>

<p>Hmm, well for transfers, I think you are allowed to transfer directly into the program, but you’ll want to speak with someone in the department about that–probably Dave Kost or John Benitz. That said, the program is 72 credits, and many of the theatre courses have to be taken in sequence because they’re all prerequisites for each other, so you’ll most likely not graduate in 4 years.</p>

<p>Ok thanks for all that help. It seems great, but realize it prob. won’t work out. I later want to work on a masters, so it wouldn’t be worth it.</p>