Scripps College RD - Class of 2020


Waitlisted :((

My daughter just got admitted! Probably her biggest reach, I’m really happy for her.


@arc918 Congratulations to your daughter! There’s a good chance that I’ll run into her on the Admitted Students Day (if she attends that is) because Scripps is so small. If she uses Facebook, I suggest that she join the official Scripps Class of 2020 group. Everyone on there is incredibly supportive and helpful.

I got accepted and am trying to join the group right now ^^


wait listed

My D was just accepted as well!

Can’t find the FB page. Any suggestions on how to find it? Thank you!

Rejected :((

D waitlisted. She more than qualified in objective terms, so it’s frustrating.

craZZprocess you should have an email with a link (but you’ll have to have your user and password for your portal if you’ve not actively checking things throughout the process.

I’m surprised at just how many people were waitlisted. :3

waitlisted :frowning:

waitlisted :frowning: 4th rejection/waitlist since Friday. This has been such a frustrating week.

Waitlisted :frowning: @wanderlust15 it’s my third. :frowning:

2020 sat, 31 act, 3.4(uw school doesn’t weight even though I take high level courses)
AP tests (without taking an AP class) history 4 Lang and comp 5
Volunteer multiple hours every weekend no idea the actual hour account
Student council treasurer, varsity sport cap, yearbook editor, member of other clubs and sports +job
Teacher recs I assume we’re good but I never saw them

I have heard waitlisting is up this year overall, somehow the colleges trying to really narrow down who will accept so they can get their acceptances percentages. I am disgusted with the entire process, even worse than two years ago with my son, and my D deserved much better than she’s getting.

How can you find the temporary pin needed to access the decision?