Scripps ED Applicants Class of 2025?

Any other Scripps ED women out there? Starting a conversation and anxiously awaiting December 15!


I applied ED! I’m so excited for Dec 15! What programs of theirs have you been looking at?

Hi! Music for sure, and likely politics. How about you? I hope decisions are released in time – waiting is harder than I thought it would be!

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Hi! I applied ED :slight_smile: Super nervous for Dec 15th!

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Engineering and Middle Eastern/North African studies which I KNOW don’t go together but oh well :crazy_face: I know it’ll change in college lol

I applied ED too! :))

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Hello! Do folks know for certain that the Scripps ED1 notification date is Dec 15? All I see on the website is mid December? Thanks!

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Hi - No, sorry. College Kickstart had it listed as December 15 last week, but then changed it back to mid-December. Should be sometime this coming week, though!

I think that is a super interesting combination!!

Thank you. And good luck to all.

My dad called the FinAid office about some stuff and they said their internal goal was the 15th

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Thank you so much for sharing that info. It’s hard not to be nervous. :blush:

Hey there! I’m also an ED applicant and hope to hear good news from all of you soon! Good luck : )


I applied ED too and I’m NERVOUS. I really hope we find out tonight I don’t think I can take the suspense anymore. I’m so in love with Scripps.

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Does anyone know what time it’ll come out? A lot of people were saying today but I feel like its getting kinda late…

I’m the same!!! It’s so scary I’ve been refreshing the portal every 5 minutes I hope it comes out tonight :frowning:

My daughter was accepted! So excited! And good luck to all.

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DD accepted!!! She is literally crying. So happy!!!

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hey everyone! no worries if no one responds, i know i’m a bit late to the party but i thought i’d try and reach out! i’m an RD applicant and scripps is above and beyond my first choice, i definitely would’ve applied ED if it wasn’t for financial aid. in your opinions if you feel comfortable sharing, how has your financial aid experience been? tuition at scripps is so expensive and since i’m upper middle class, i’m worried scripps won’t give me anything if i’m accepted. i’m a triplet and have a younger sister so for 2 years all 4 of us will be in college at the same time and there’s no way i’ll be able to afford scripps without financial aid, but i’m afraid they won’t know that. if anyone has any advice or wanted to share their experiences, please, please do!!